How do you read the Dictionary of Occupational Titles?

How do you read the Dictionary of Occupational Titles?

The parts are listed below in the order in which they appear in every definition: (1) The Occupational Code Number (2) The Occupational Title (3) The Industry Designation (4) Alternate Titles (if any) (5) The Body of the Definition (a) Lead Statement (b) Task Element Statements (c) “May” Items (6) Undefined Related …

What do the dot codes mean?

The letters “DOT” are followed by eight to thirteen letters and/or numbers that identify where the tire was manufactured, tire size and the manufacturer’s code, along with the week and year the tire was manufactured. The first two numbers identify the week and the last number identifies the year of manufacture.

What do the final four characters in the dot code represent?

For 13 character TIN, the first three characters signify plant code. That’s why the current DOT tire identification number consists of 13 digits. The next six characters denote the size, type, and other compulsory important properties of the tire. The final four digits refer to the tire date of manufacture.

What is occupation job code 030?

This group includes occupations concerned with the analysis and evaluation of procedures and processes to design a sequence of steps for processing data by a computer.

What is the title of the occupation?

Occupation is a neutral and broad term that refers to any type of paid work. Job title is the specific name of the position held by an employee. This is the main difference between job title and occupation.

What is the Dictionary of occupational?

The definition of occupational is something that is caused by or relates to doing a certain type of work. An example of occupational is back pain caused by bending over to pick vegetables; occupational hazard of farmworkers. YourDictionary definition and usage example. “Occupational.”.

What is occupation Dictionary?

occupation definition, occupation meaning | English dictionary. occupation. pl n a system of classifying people according to occupation, based originally on information obtained by government census and subsequently developed by market research.

What is an occupational code?

A United States military occupation code, or a military occupational specialty code ( MOS code ), is a nine-character code used in the United States Army and United States Marine Corps to identify a specific job. In the United States Air Force, a system of Air Force Specialty Codes (AFSC) is used.

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