What are the features of APS?

What are the features of APS?

1. APS can never be 1 or more than 1:

  • APS can never be 1 or more than 1: As saving can never be equal to or more than national income.
  • APS can be 0: In Table 7.7, APS = 0 as saving are zero at the income level of Rs 200 crores.
  • APS can be negative or less than 1:
  • APS rises with increase in income:

What is the first known fungicide?

The first fungicide with the broader spectrum typical of dithiocarbamates and the systemic activity of organophosphate insecticides was benomyl. This benzimidazole fungicide was launched by DuPont in 1970 and provided systemic and curative activity at low rates, with excellent plant and mammalian safety.

What are fungicides APS?

A fungicide is a specific type of pesticide that controls fungal disease by specifically inhibiting or killing the fungus causing the disease.

What is Phytopathological?

Plant pathology is the science that studies the causes of plant diseases, the mechanisms by which diseases develop in individual plants and in plant populations, and the ways and means by which plant diseases can be managed or controlled.

Can APC be ever zero?

Answer: APC can be zero only when consumption becomes zero. However, consumption is never zero at any level of income. Even at zero level of national income, there is autonomous consumption (C ).

What is the difference between MPS and APS?

Simply put, total saving (S) divided by total income (Y) is called APS (APS = S/Y) whereas change in savings (∆S) divided by change in income (∆Y) is called MPS (MPS = ∆S/∆Y). Between APS and MPS, the value of APS can be negative when consumption expenditure becomes higher than income.

What is the most commonly used fungicide?

The current ranking of global sales is: dimethomorph, fenpropidin, fnpropimorph, sprioxamine. Morpholine fungicides belong to a broad group of fungicides that is often referred to as sterol biosynthesis inhibitors (SBI). Other SBIs include the next four groups of fungicides (see also Table 5).

How are fungicides classified?

Fungicides can be classified by chemical group, general mode of action, specific mode of action, or by physical properties once in the plant. Many fungicides within a group, such as the benzimidazoles (fungicide or FRAC group 1), have the same mode of action against fungi.

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