What are the four symptoms of Turner syndrome?

What are the four symptoms of Turner syndrome?

Signs of Turner syndrome at birth or during infancy may include:

  • Wide or weblike neck.
  • Low-set ears.
  • Broad chest with widely spaced nipples.
  • High, narrow roof of the mouth (palate)
  • Arms that turn outward at the elbows.
  • Fingernails and toenails that are narrow and turned upward.

Is XXY Turner syndrome?

Short stature in Turner syndrome and its counterpoint, tall stature in sex chromosome polysomy conditions such as Klinefelter syndrome, XYY syndrome, and trisomy X, is caused by the short-stature homeobox gene on the X and Y chromosomes.

Can this disorder be cured Turner syndrome?

There is no cure for Turner syndrome, but therapies have been developed that can improve physical development. With proper medical care, females with Turner syndrome should be able to lead full, productive lives. The primary therapies for affected individuals are growth hormone therapy and estrogen therapy.

Is there such a thing as Turner syndrome?

Turner syndrome (monosomy X) is characterized by complete or partial loss of the second X chromosome in the female, with or without cell line mosaicism.

Do you have two X chromosomes in Turner syndrome?

In Turner syndrome, an individual does not have the usual pair of two complete X chromosomes. The most common scenario is that a girl has only one X chromosome in all of her cells. However, some girls with Turner syndrome have a full or partial absence of the X chromosome in only some of their cells.

What kind of karyotype does Turner syndrome have?

There is wide variation in features that have been reported in individuals with a 45,X/46,XY karyotype (a form of Turner syndrome mosaicism).

What can you do for women with Turner syndrome?

Regular checkups have shown substantial improvements in the quality and length of life for women with Turner syndrome. [8] While almost all women are infertile, pregnancy with donor eggs and assisted reproductive technology is possible. Even with growth hormone therapy, most affected people are shorter than average.

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