How do you keep packages in ProGuard?

How do you keep packages in ProGuard?

Keeping Entire Package Using Proguard

  1. Keeping names of public classes: -keep public class*
  2. Keeping names of public classes for packages and sub-packages:
  3. Keeping names of public/protected/private classes/methods/fields for packages and sub-packages:

What does ProGuard keep do?

Proguard is free Java class file shrinker, optimizer, obfuscator, and preverifier. It detects and removes unused classes, fields, methods, and attributes. Mobile app development companies use proguard in android , it optimizes bytecode and removes unused instructions.

Does ProGuard remove unused classes?

Always ProGuard It’s a very effective tool that removes all unused classes, methods, and fields from the packaged app, including any from the libraries. If you use AppCompat-v7 or support library-v4 in your app (which you probably do), make sure your ProGuard file doesn’t have any of these lines.

Does ProGuard obfuscate package name?

Android has its own resources and assets system that normally shouldn’t be a problem for ProGuard. ProGuard can rename package names when obfuscating, so after compilation it might happen that the class and its resource file are no longer in the same package in the final APK.

What are things that we need to take care while using ProGuard?

So, the Proguard will help you in reducing the size of your APK, remove the unused classes and methods and also make your application difficult to reverse engineer….Things to care while using Proguard in Android application

  1. Minify the code.
  2. Obfuscate the code.
  3. Optimize the code.

How do you use ProGuard rules?

When you create a new module using Android Studio, the IDE creates a file in the root directory of that module. By default, this file does not apply any rules. So, include your own ProGuard rules here, such as your custom keep rules. Generated by the Android Gradle plugin at compile time.

Is ProGuard deprecated?

1 Answer. No. You can use obfuscation and optimization tooling.

Do I need ProGuard?

It is quite easy to reverse engineer Android applications, so if you want to prevent this from happening, yes, you should use ProGuard for its main function: obfuscation. ProGuard has also two other important functions: shrinking which eliminates unused code and is obviously highly useful and also optimization.

What is Consumer ProGuard?

ProGuard is a tool to help minify, obfuscate, and optimize your code. The Android SDK comes with ProGuard included as well as default settings file, which are specified as proguard-android.

Why do I need keep option in ProGuard?

The -keep option specifies the entry point of the application that has to be preserved. The access modifiers public and static are not really required in this case, since we know a priori that the specified class and method have the proper access flags. It just looks more familiar this way.

What does it mean to keep a class in ProGuard?

This protects only the members of the class from shrinking and obfuscation. That is, if a class is unused, it will be removed. If the class is used, the class will be kept but renamed.

Is there a way to print out warnings in ProGuard?

ProGuard will print out warnings if it can’t find classes due to this option being set. Specifies not to ignore non-public library classes. As of version 4.5, this is the default setting. Specifies not to ignore package visible library class members (fields and methods).

What does double asterisk mean in ProGuard package?

First, it’s overly broad — that double-asterisk in the package means every class under every package under that top-level package; and the asterisk inside the curly braces applies to every member (variables, methods, and constants) inside those class. That is, it applies to all code in the library.

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