What is best blood color in homestuck?

What is best blood color in homestuck?

Purple Blood is the highest ranked blood possible for land-dwelling trolls, and members of this caste are referred to as the “highbloods.” Because of their position on the hemospectrum, purple blooded trolls are more prone to extreme violence and unpredictability, and it was for this reason that most were tasked as the …

What is karkat’s blood color?

Karkat has bright red blood (like humans), and is thus a DIRTY MUTANT. This means that, if anyone were to find his blood color, he would be culled.

What color is Kanaya’s blood?

Kanaya’s blood is even jade green.

What is Vriskas blood color?

A potion presumably based on her blood is referred to as “cobalt.” However, Vriska herself called her blood “cerulean.” Vriska Serket, her ancestor Marquise Spinneret Mindfang, and her dancestor Aranea Serket all have cerulean blood.

Are all purple Bloods Juggalos?

“Andrew Hussie stated that all the purple blooded trolls are adherents to an Alternian Juggalo-like cult that believes that “a band of rowdy and capricious minstrels will rise one day on a mythical paradise planet.” ”

What color is Lusus blood?

Kanaya was chosen by her lusus on account of her rare jade green blood, and is protected by her from the various threats of the desert that her hive occupies.

What blood is tavros?

Tavros is a bronze-blood who deals with self-esteem issues throughout his character arc.

What color blood is sollux?

Sollux’s two eyes are colored blue and red, while his blood is yellow.

What do teal Bloods do?

As a chromatic median between the green and blue castes, teal blooded trolls are not quite considered nobility, but still outrank the middle-class green blooded castes. Trolls of this blood color typically take civil servant positions, such as that of a legislacerator.

How many Hiveswap trolls are there?

Set in the universe of Hiveswap, you can befriend up to 36 total trolls over 18 volumes.

Who is Kanaya homestuck?

Kanaya Maryam is a troll from the webcomic Homestuck. She is a lesbian and is married to Rose Lalonde. Kanaya is what is referred to as a “rainbow drinker”, which is essentially the troll version of a vampire.

What kind of blood do trolls have in Homestuck?

One of the trolls from the Homestuck Adventure Game also appears to be a bronze blood. Yellow / Ochre / Gold Blood is the third-lowest blood color. They are also very likely to have psychic powers. “Gold” is the color used in Gamzee and Jane’s potion shop for a vial of Sollux’s blood.

Who are the Jade blooded trolls in Homestuck?

Kanaya Maryam, her ancestor the Dolorosa, and the latter’s pre-scratch self Porrim Maryam are the only jade blooded trolls described in Homestuck. All of them seem to be able to withstand the intense light given off by Alternia’s sun.

Why are there more lowbloods in Homestuck than highbloods?

Well, there is one reason for that: That increases chance of the average being rather low slightly, corresponding to the -there are more lowbloods- in Homestuck. Because of the varying and often changing ascendent and moon signs I don’t think the impact will be huge though.

Are there mutant Bloods in the troll hemospectrum?

Rare caste. Mutant bloods show up every now and then, and are usually culled at birth. They are lower than Rust bloods, but are not counted on the Hemospectrum. They have no powers. Most trolls will not live to their full lifespan.

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