What does I took it for granted mean?

What does I took it for granted mean?

1 : to assume (something) as true, real, unquestionable, or to be expected We took our invitation to the party for granted. = We took it for granted that we’d be invited to the party.

What is take for granted examples?

To treat something/someone in a careless or indifferent manner without considering its true value. He doesn’t appreciate how lucky he is to have his job. He just takes it for granted. It was only when she left that he realized that he had taken her for granted.

Do not take it for granted in a sentence?

Don t take for granted the things closest to your heart. 9. Don’t take for granted the passions that she has for you. 10.

What’s another word for taken for granted?

What is another word for taken for granted?

undoubting implicit
unquestioned unquestioning
unreserved unsaid
unshakable unspoken
unuttered virtual

Are you taken for granted?

“If your partner always promises things and never follows through,” you’re being taken for granted, says Emily Mendez, a former psychotherapist and mental health writer. The fact is, people keep their word when dealing with others whom they value and respect.

Why do we take things for granted?

Why do we take life for granted? In part, taking things for granted is a function of habituation. When something is new, it stands out from the “background” and we pay lots of attention to it. When the novelty wears off, however, its hold on our attention weakens and we move on to something else.

How do you take words for granted?

The expression to take for granted means “to accept without question or objection,” and often implies a lack of appreciation or gratitude. (E.g., “Many of us may take for granted the fact that we have access to clean drinking water.”)

How do you use the word taken for granted?

Example Sentences

  1. I took the weather for granted when I lived in America.
  2. It is easy to take your family for granted.
  3. I feel like my boss is taking me for granted.
  4. I took for granted that they would pay for their share of dinner.
  5. I think that you take your husband for granted.

Why do people take me for granted?

If you feel taken for granted, it may be because you once felt valued by the person who is now taking you for granted. It might also stem from the knowledge that you should feel appreciated but do not. It could also be because you don’t feel involved in decision-making.

What word means to take for granted as being true?

presuppose, suppose. take for granted or as a given; suppose beforehand. beg the question. assume that the argument one is trying to prove is true, without arguing for it. posit, postulate.

When someone takes you for granted in a relationship?

The impact of being taken for granted in a relationship ‘You might start arguing over little things, you might become less emotional, more distant, less enthusiastic, etc. ‘Appreciating someone makes them feel good about what they do and the effort they’re making in the relationship.

What Does taken for granted mean in a relationship?

The many dictionary definitions of being “taken for granted” include “to fail to appreciate the value” and “to treat someone in a careless or indifferent manner.” These definitions are independent, and the presence of one does not necessarily imply the presence of the others.

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