What is complement clause?

What is complement clause?

In English grammar, a complement clause is a subordinate clause that serves to complete the meaning of a noun or verb in a sentence. Also known as a complement phrase (abbreviated as CP).

What is the meaning of complement and example?

Complement means to make something complete. The definition of a complement is something that makes something else complete. An example of complement is a set of jewelry that makes an outfit look finished.

What is complement and give example of compliment?

A complement is something that completes or perfects. Her dress perfectly complements the shade of her eyes. They make a great couple; their personalities are a perfect complement to one another.

What is complement of a sentence?

The word or words complete a predicate in a sentence In grammar, a complement is a word or word group that completes the predicate in a sentence. In contrast to modifiers, which are optional, complements are required to complete the meaning of a sentence or a part of a sentence.

How do you identify a complement clause?

A complement clause is a clause introduced by a complementizer like that or whether. A complement clause is attached to a preceding noun, adjective or verb. In the sentence ‘The news that she was dead shocked us all’, ‘that she was dead’ is a noun complement clause attached to the noun news.

What is a complement example?

A complement will provide greater detail about the subject. Example: The soup tasted good. In this case, “the soup” is the subject of the sentence. “Tasted” is a linking verb to the adjective “good,” which describes more about the soup.

What is compliment example?

The definition of a compliment is the act of giving praise. An example of compliment is calling someone’s dress beautiful. Compliment means to give praise. An example of compliment is to tell someone that he is very intelligent.

What is the complement?

1 : something that completes something else or makes it better The scarf is a perfect complement to her outfit. 2 : the usual number or quantity of something that is needed or used a full complement of farm animals her usual complement of attendants a ship’s complement of officers.

What are some examples of a complement clause?

Justice is what we’re looking for.

  • The first thing I did was open all the windows.
  • The remaining problem is where to find the money.
  • Our only option is to run away.
  • What are adjective complement clauses?

    An adjective complement usually consists of a noun clause or a prepositional phrase. An adjective complement is a functional part of a sentence that completes, or complements, the adjective. As mentioned, it can be a noun clause or a prepositional phrase. A noun clause is simply two or more words that function as a noun.

    What is a sentence for complement?

    A complement is the part of a Sentence that comes after the Verb and is needed to make the sentence complete. The following are the most important types of complement used in English: SUBJECT COMPLEMENT. Eg: He’s a surveyor. (The Subject is completed by the complement to the verb.

    What is an example of complement?

    The definition of a complement is something that makes something else complete. An example of complement is a set of jewelry that makes an outfit look finished. Complement means to make something complete. An example of complement is to add jewelry to a dress to finish the look.

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