Does KOTOR 2 have an ending?

Does KOTOR 2 have an ending?

In-game, the game ends with Darth Traya revealing the party member’s futures. While the files do not resolve everything, they do clarify what would have happened to many of the members of your party, and elucidate many in-game events.

What happens after you defeat kreia KOTOR 2?

After defeating Kreia there’s a cutscene of her body falling into the core then it pans out to show Malachor V then looks over into some formation in space. Then credits roll.

Can you save Darth Traya?

Darth Traya: I used you to keep the Lords of the Sith from condemning the galaxy to death with their power unchecked. I used you to lure them to Telos, where they could be, at last, fought and killed….Darth Trayaedit.

Vitality 1130
Force 1194
Defense 50
Fortitude 58

Where did Bao Dur go?

Telos IV
Although he joined the Republic military for the sake of revenge, Bao-Dur had a deeper conscience after the events of Malachor V. Wracked with guilt over creating the Mass Shadow Generator, he wandered into exile, hopping from planet to planet, before he went to Telos IV and dedicated his life to helping others.

Does KOTOR 2 have any DLC on PC?

Kotor II doesn’t have any, just an unofficial restoration mod (which is worth looking into). Yavin was just DLC on xbox, the pc version is complete.

What does the acronym KOTOR 2 mean?

KOTOR 2 is an acronym for the Star Wars based video game ‘Knights of the Old Republic II’. This is a prequel to the original game KOTOR I. Hard core fans prefer that people not confuse the acronym as a real word.

Is Darth Revan in KOTOR 2?

No, Revan in KOTOR 2 is in the outer rim fighting a threat to the Republic and you never see him in Kotor 2… later on you figure out what threat he went to fight. Actually, that threat wasn’t revealed in KotOR II. If I recall, it was one of The Old Republic’s tie-in novels that explains what it was that Revan went to fight.

Was KOTOR 2 rushed?

The rushed development of KotOR 2 led to a lot of content being cut from the final product, including an entire droid-based planet. While cut from the game, most of the content was left hidden within the game’s code.

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