How do I reject a reviewer comment?

How do I reject a reviewer comment?

But if you answer “no,” then how can you decline to address the comment? The basic structure is simple, and based on respect: Acknowledge the reviewer’s suggestion. Then state why you’re not going to make the suggested change.

How do you politely disagree with a reviewer?

Be polite, give proper argument to explain why you differ with reviewer comment, and let the editor decide. Be polite and make strong arguments.

How do I respond to reviewer comments?

Responding to reviewers’ comments

  1. Begin by thanking the reviewer for taking the time to assess your manuscript.
  2. Then, specify that you’ve addressed all the concerns they raised.
  3. List all the reviewer’s comments and your answer to each one.
  4. Avoid giving yes or no answers.

When should you reject paper?

9 Common Reasons for Rejection

  1. The manuscript fails the technical screening.
  2. The manuscript does not fall within the journal’s Aims and Scope.
  3. The research topic isn’t of great enough significance.
  4. The research is over-ambitious.
  5. A clear hypothesis hasn’t been established.
  6. The manuscript is incomplete.

How do you politely decline a review request example?

I think it’s always best to be honest, but in a nice way. But instead of saying that, I’d say: Sorry but I’m really backed up right now and just don’t have the time! And this made me feel even worse! Because now the author thought that I was interested, but I just didn’t have time.

How do you write a reviewer comment?

Avoid overly negative wording or personal comments, point out the main strengths of the manuscript as well as its weaknesses, and suggest specific ways to fix the problems you identify. Also, avoid making overly brief and direct comments, as these can give your report an unfriendly tone.

How do you respond to a comment you disagree with?

Here are four steps to take the next time your supervisor points to an area for improvement that you disagree with.

  1. Ask for Examples. Your first instinct is to leap up, advocate for yourself, and tell your boss just how wrong they are.
  2. Say Thank You. Uhhh…
  3. Respectfully Disagree.
  4. Ask Questions.

How do you decline a peer review example?

I’m writing to apologise for turning down your request that I review NAME OF PAPER. The reason is that I am wholly committed to the free availability of all scholarly research to everyone, and I cannot in good conscience give my time and expertise to a paper that is destined to end up behind PUBLISHER’s paywall.

How do you respond to a positive review example?

Example: Thank you so much for your kind words, Jane. We really appreciate you taking the time out to share your experience with us — and we agree, Jordan is truly a gem to have on our team! We count ourselves lucky for customers like you. We look forward to working with you again in the future!

Can a reviewer reject a paper?

It is up to the editor whether to accept or reject. The reviewers only make recommendations. Even if the reviewers give positive recommendations, the editor can decide to reject a paper. If both reviewers give negative recommendations, it is much less likely for the editor to accept a paper.

How do you politely decline an example?

That’s how you simply politely decline.

  1. I’m sorry, but we had to refuse your request to move to another department.
  2. I’m sorry but I can’t help you, I have something planned out for tomorrow.
  3. No, I’m afraid I can’t do that for you.
  4. As I said, I’m afraid I can’t help you at the moment.

How do you politely decline a request?

When in doubt these phrases will help you to decline any request in a polite way, so it’s good to keep these in your back pocket….Saying no without a specific reason

  1. I wish I could make it work.
  2. Unfortunately, it’s not a good time.
  3. I wish there were two of me, but I can’t.
  4. Maybe another time.
  5. Sorry, I can’t.

How do you respond to peer review comments?

When revising your manuscript and responding to peer review comments you must: Thank the reviewers and editors for their time and comments. Address all points raised by the editor and reviewers. Describe the major revisions to your manuscript in your response letter followed by point-by-point responses to the comments raised.

How to avoid rejection from a peer reviewer?

Take a risk. Put pen to paper. Send the draft. Make the call. Ask for the meeting. Apply for the job, award, grant. Be brave and take action. While working as a peer reviewer, I recently recommended rejection for three papers.

How to respond to a reviewer on a manuscript?

You should definitely address each of the reviewers individually as you respond to his or her comments, aiming for a layout that makes it absolutely clear which comment you are responding to at any given moment and exactly what you have changed in your manuscript.

Can a table be removed from a peer review?

Although comments from both reviewers suggest that our original approach was not as successful as we would have liked, the table could easily be removed as per Reviewer 1’s advice and the text lengthened instead if that would be preferable.

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