Is the movie Apartment 143 based on a true story?

Is the movie Apartment 143 based on a true story?

Case in point: Apartment 143, a horror film from Spain now being screened in Philippine theaters. Apartment 143 tells the story of a family of three living in an apartment that may be haunted. The movie is billed to be a true story, but the actors are not competent enough to make them believable.

Does Netflix have Apartment 143?

Watch Apartment 143 on Netflix Today!

Why is Apartment 143 rated R?

Critic Reviews for Apartment 143 November 5, 2015 | Rating: 1/4 | Full Review… The MPAA rating more than sums up the movie: Rated “R” for language and some terror. Trying to overthink a ghost story, Apartment 143 goes from appealing to ridiculous in a hurry, saved slightly by a handful of good frights.

Is Apartment 143 A good movie?

Performances are decent at best but they never hurt the film. Director Carles Torrens does a good job at building up some of the scares but sadly the screenplay just doesn’t have enough going for it to fully pull the viewer in. APARTMENT 143 is certainly far from a bad movie but it’s just too dull to really work.

When did the movie Apartment 143 come out?

Apartment 143 (original title: Emergo) is a 2012 Spanish horror film written by Rodrigo Cortes and directed by Carles Torrens. It was released on 4 May 2012.

Who are the main characters in Apartment 143?

Paranormal Investigator Dr. Helzer, his assistant (lovingly referred to as “The Gatekeeper” by Paul) Ellen, and their equipment tech/camera man Paul are invited to an apartment building by Alan White. Alan, an unemployed widower, lives in a barely inhabited complex with his four year old son and teenage daughter.

Is there a haunted apartment in Apartment 143?

Apartment 143 gives us a look at a supposedly haunted apartment. The difference here is that the scientific investigators are looking for scientific explanations rather than the supernatural. It’s a neat idea, but leads to some heavy exposition scenes that betray the found-footage set-up.

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