How long does it take for mono symptoms to show?

How long does it take for mono symptoms to show?

Symptoms. Typical symptoms of infectious mononucleosis usually appear four to six weeks after you get infected with EBV. Symptoms may develop slowly and may not all occur at the same time. Enlarged spleen and a swollen liver are less common symptoms.

What else has symptoms of mono?

Signs and symptoms of mononucleosis may include:

  • Fatigue.
  • Sore throat, perhaps misdiagnosed as strep throat, that doesn’t get better after treatment with antibiotics.
  • Fever.
  • Swollen lymph nodes in your neck and armpits.
  • Swollen tonsils.
  • Headache.
  • Skin rash.
  • Soft, swollen spleen.

What are the signs and symptoms of Mono?

After a day or two, someone with mono may also have: Swollen lymph nodes. Jaundice (a yellow tinge to the skin and eyes) A measles-like skin rash anywhere on the face or body.

What are the symptoms of mononucleosis in teenagers?

Mononucleosis (mono) is a contagious infection caused by a herpes virus called Epstein-Barr. Other viruses can also cause mono. The infection is common among teenagers and young adults. People with mono experience extreme fatigue, fever and body aches. Treatments can ease symptoms until the illness goes away on its own.

When do the symptoms of mononucleosis go away?

Signs and symptoms such as a fever and sore throat usually lessen within a couple of weeks, but fatigue, enlarged lymph nodes and a swollen spleen may last for a few weeks longer. If you’ve been experiencing the above symptoms, you may have mononucleosis.

How long does it take to develop Mono from EBV?

At least one out of four teenagers and young adults who get infected with EBV will develop infectious mononucleosis. Typical symptoms of infectious mononucleosis usually appear four to six weeks after you get infected with EBV. Symptoms may develop slowly and may not all occur at the same time. These symptoms include:

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