Does Infinite Jest have chapters?

Does Infinite Jest have chapters?

It’s built of dozens of chunks of stories. There are 28 un-numbered chapter breaks (signified by a little circle), similar to 28 days in a lunar cycle, but within those chapters are 189 total scenes plus endnotes.

How many chapters are in Infinite Jest?

28 chapters
Elegant Complexity is the first critical work to provide detailed and thorough commentary on each of the 192 sections of David Foster Wallace’s masterful Infinite Jest. No other commentary on Infinite Jest recognizes that Wallace clearly divided the book into 28 chapters that are thematically unified.

What is the message of Infinite Jest?

Addiction. Addiction, in Infinite Jest, takes many forms, and the novel explores the porous boundaries between addiction, devotion, and fanaticism. The three main objects of addiction/devotion/fanaticism in Infinite Jest are tennis, AA, and substances.

Is Infinite Jest autobiographical?

Lipsky, a writer a few years younger, has just published a slim autobiographical novel that no one cares about because they’re too busy having their minds blown by Wallace. Infinite Jest is huge, and promoted as such, attracting the kind of praise reserved for successors to Ulysses and Gravity’s Rainbow.

What’s so great about David Foster Wallace?

Wallace is widely known for his 1996 novel Infinite Jest, which Time magazine cited as one of the 100 best English-language novels from 1923 to 2005. His posthumous novel, The Pale King (2011), was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 2012.

Is Infinite Jest pretentious?

David Foster Wallace’s “Infinite Jest” Not only does Pretentious Section Kid love David Foster Wallace’s unnecessarily wordy novel, he will also recommend DFW’s essays to the rest of the uncultured class. You’ll know if you have a particularly bad Pretentious Section Kid if he ever dons the notorious red bandana.

Is Infinite Jest a sad book?

There are parts of Infinite Jest that feel like the most savage futuristic satire ever made, a Super Sad True Love Story before Super Sad True Love Story. Other parts feel as gritty and sad and true as the best Stephen King.

Is Infinite Jest an epic?

The novel is so brilliant you need sunglasses to read it, but it has a heart as well as a brain. Infinite Jest is both a tragicomic epic and a profound study of the postmodern condition.” “Infinite Jest, the title of David Foster Wallace’s gargantuan new novel, is a kind of inside joke.

How do you enjoy Infinite Jest?

These tips can help.

  1. Read It With A Friend. Giphy.
  2. Take Notes. Giphy.
  3. Or Take Someone Else’s Notes. Giphy.
  4. Use Caution When Admitting Non-Jest Reading Material Into Your Life.
  5. No, Really: Use Extreme Caution When Admitting Non-Jest Reading Material Into Your Life.
  6. Make A Schedule.
  7. And Then Let Yourself Disregard That Schedule.

Is Infinite Jest a meme?

Infinite Jest, the thousand-pound tome by David Foster Wallace, is a meme. It’s been a meme for years, but I only learned about this recently. I gather that the book is used as (or perceived to be) a sort of intellectual flex by pretentious millenial hipster dudes, few of whom actually read it.

How many endnotes are there in Infinite Jest?

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality study guides that feature detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, quotes, and essay topics. Infinite Jest is a 1996 novel by David Foster Wallace comprising about 1,000 pages in addition to 388 endnotes.

Where does the action take place in Infinite Jest?

Much of the action of the novel takes place in Massachusetts between Enfield Tennis Academy, MIT and a Boston-area AA group. A fringe radical group known as “Les Assassins des Fauteuils Rollents or AFR (“the Wheelchair Assassins in English) are trying to destabilize ONAN and achieve independence for Quebec.

Why does Hal have a problem in Infinite Jest?

While this issue appears to be related to the pressure Hal faces as a smart and talented junior tennis player studying at an academy run by his family, the problem also seems to go deeper, and is perhaps rooted in mental health problems.

When did David Foster Wallace write Infinite Jest?

Infinite Jest is a 1996 novel by David Foster Wallace comprising about 1,000 pages in addition to 388 endnotes. Time Magazine listed the novel as one of the 100-best English novels written between 1923 and 2005.

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