What is KPA in Kenya?

What is KPA in Kenya?

Page Content. Established in January 1978 under an Act of Parliament, KPA is mandated to manage and operate the Port of Mombasa and all scheduled seaports along Kenya’s coastline that include Lamu, Malindi, Kilifi, Mtwapa, Kiunga, Shimoni, Funzi and Vanga.

Who owns Kenya Ports Authority?

Kenya Ports Authority is an investor in Kenya National Shipping Line, a state corporation of Kenya formed in 1989, currently owned by KPA and three non-Kenyan corporate investos.

What is the work of Kenya Ports Authority?

​​The Kenya Ports Authority’s mandate is to maintain, operate, improve and regulate all sea and inland waterway ports in Kenya. Other ports include Lamu, Malindi, Kilifi, Mtwapa, Kiunga, Shimoni, Funzi and Vanga.

How many ports are in Kenya?

ports in Kenya (15)

What is the main port in Kenya?

Mombasa Port
Kilindini Harbour is the main part of the Port of Mombasa, the only international seaport in Kenya and the biggest port in east Africa….Kilindini Harbour.

Kilindini Harbour Mombasa Port
Annual cargo tonnage 14 Million year 2020
Website Kenya Ports Authority

Does Kenya Ports Authority pay well?

The average salaries for Kenya Ports Authority (KPA) is 40,695 Shilling. This data is collated by 10 employees from Kenya Ports Authority (KPA). The roles include Data Capturing Officer, Credit Controller, Account and Administration Officer, Assistant Engineer, internship xxx, Economist etc.

Who is the MD of KPA?

The Board of Directors of Kenya Ports Authority (KPA) has today announced the appointment by the Government of Amb. John Mwangemi as the new Acting Managing Director. The appointment of the new MD takes effect from today July 1st, 2021, as Eng.

Which is Kenya’s main port?

The Port of Mombasa
​The Port of Mombasa is the key entry and exit point for cargo belonging to a vast hinterland that include Kenya, Uganda Rwanda, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Tanzania, South Sudan, Somalia and Ethiopia.

What is Kenya main port called?

Kilindini Harbour is the main part of the Port of Mombasa, the only international seaport in Kenya and the biggest port in east Africa. It is managed by the Kenya Ports Authority (KPA)….Kilindini Harbour.

Kilindini Harbour Mombasa Port
Annual cargo tonnage 14 Million year 2020
Website Kenya Ports Authority

Which is Kenya’s biggest port?

the Port of Mombasa
Kilindini Harbour is the main part of the Port of Mombasa, the only international seaport in Kenya and the biggest port in east Africa. It is managed by the Kenya Ports Authority (KPA)….Kilindini Harbour.

Kilindini Harbour Mombasa Port
Port of Mombasa
Wikimedia | © OpenStreetMap
Country Kenya

Which are the major ports of Kenya for importation?

Major ports of the country used for global trade are Port of Mombasa, Port of Lamu and Port of Malindi. Nairobi’s Jomo Kenyatta International Airport is the largest airport in Kenya. Moi International Airport in Mombasa and Kisumu Airport are also serving international service now.

What was the purpose of the Kenya Ports Authority Act?

Long title. An Act of Parliament to provide for the establishment of an Authority to be known as the Kenya Ports Authority, for the transfer to the Authority of the undertakings, within Kenya, of the East African Harbours Corporation, for the functions of the Authority and for purposes connected therewith. Subject.

What are the names of the ports in Kenya?

Kenya Ports Authority ( KPA) is a state corporation with the responsibility to “maintain, operate, improve and regulate all scheduled seaports ” on the Indian Ocean coastline of Kenya, including principally Kilindini Harbour at Mombasa. Other KPA ports include Lamu, Malindi, Kilifi, Mtwapa, Kiunga, Shimoni, Funzi and Vanga.

Is there a ferry service from Mombasa to Kenya?

In 1989, the government of Kenya brought together the operation and regulation of existing ferry services, including the Likoni Ferry service at Likoni, Mombasa, into one subsidiary of the KPA, Kenya Ferry Services.

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