What is the purpose of int 04H?

What is the purpose of int 04H?

AH Description
0B Get STDIN status
0D Disk reset
19 Get current default drive
2A Get system date

What is int 21h stands for MCQ?

int 21h means, call the interrupt handler 0x21 which is the DOS Function dispatcher.

What is the action of function 01h of int 21h?

INT 21h – The general function despatcher

Action: Reads a character from the standard input device and echoes it to the standard output device. If no character is ready it waits until one is available. I/O can be re-directed, but prevents detection of OEF.
On entry: AH = 01h
Returns: AL = 8 bit data input

Which int 21h function is to get system time?

DOS INT 21h services

AH Description Version
2Bh Set date 1.0+
2Ch Get time 1.0+
2Dh Set time 1.0+
2Eh Set verify flag 1.0+

What is INT 21h and INT 10H?

Use INT 10H function calls to: – Clear the screen. Use INT 21H function calls to: – Input characters from the keyboard. – Output characters to the screen.

What is the function of MOV A 21h?

What is the function of MOV A 21H?

Function number Description
01h e.g. mov ah,01h int 21h Keyboard input with echo: This operation accepts a character from the keyboard buffer. If none is present, waits for keyboard entry. It returns the character in AL.

What does INT 10H in assembly language?

INT 10h, INT 10H or INT 16 is shorthand for BIOS interrupt call 10hex, the 17th interrupt vector in an x86-based computer system. The BIOS typically sets up a real mode interrupt handler at this vector that provides video services.

What does the INT 21h accomplish if ah contains 4Ch?

on ah=4ch int 21h , the program will terminate control to the operating system. (end the program) And int 21h is a dos interrupt.

What is the function of 4Ch under INT 21H?

INT 21h function 4Ch is preferred. Action: Reads a character from the standard input device and echoes it to the standard output device. If no character is ready it waits until one is available.

What is the function of 4Ch and INT 21h?

What does mov ah 4Ch mean?

MOV AH, 4CH means store (or “move”) the hexadecimal value 4C into register AH . In MS-DOS, invoking interrupt 21h while AH = 4Ch causes the current process to terminate and uses the value of register AL as the exit code of the process.

What is INT 21H & INT 10H?

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