How much does a 60 meter rope weigh?

How much does a 60 meter rope weigh?

Technical specs

Weight 59.0 g/m 7.804 lbs / 3540 g
Diameter (millimeters) 9.5 mm
Length (meters) 60 m
Rope Type Single
UIAA Falls (Single / Half / Twin) 7 falls / 0 falls / 0 falls

How much does a 70m rope weigh?

Technical specs

Weight 64.0 g/m 9.876 lbs / 4480 g
Diameter (millimeters) 9.8 mm
Length (meters) 70 m
Rope Type Single
UIAA Falls (Single / Half / Twin) 8 falls / 0 falls / 0 falls

How much does 100ft of rope weigh?

Depends on size. 1/4″ weighs 2.01 pounds per 100 ft.

Can climbing rope get wet?

The simple answer is yes, they certainly can be. There are a couple of reasons why you want to keep your rope as dry as possible while climbing. Reason 1: Wet ropes lose their dynamic (stretchy) properties thereby decreasing the overall strength of the rope.

When should I retire my climbing rope?

When to Retire a Climbing Rope Retire a climbing rope immediately if it has been involved in a huge fall with extreme loads or if it shows damage, such as cuts, flat spots, stiffness or lots of fuzziness. Even a rope that shows no visible signs of damage eventually needs to be retired.

What does the number 892 mean on a climbing rope?

This is an agreed-upon safety standard for a specific product. For dynamic rock climbing ropes this standard is indicated by the number 892. The test to determine whether a piece of equipment meets this standard is created by the UIAA. UIAA is an international organization while EN is a European organization.

What are the standards for a climbing rope?

To meet CE requirements a product must comply with EN technical and/or safety standards. The EN/UIAA tests for dynamic climbing ropes are EN 892 and UIAA 101. These will be indicated on your rope label and the markings at the ends of your rope. Phew! Now that is out of the way we can move on to the big stuff.

How does a climbing rope pass the UIAA test?

The standardized EN 892/UIAA 101 test is performed. When the results are issued the rope manufacturer can then label that piece of rope with the corresponding certification. To pass, the rope must withstand a minimum of 5 simulated falls without breaking.

What’s the difference between an en and a UIAA rope?

UIAA is an international organization while EN is a European organization. A dynamic rope will go through one test which both the EN and UIAA agree upon for their standards. If the rope passes the test, the EN gives the rope a European seal of approval and the UIAA gives it International approval—EN 892 and UIAA 101 respectively.

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