What kind of snake is black with a red underbelly?

What kind of snake is black with a red underbelly?

The northern redbelly snake (Storeria occipitomaculata occipitomaculata) is a nonvenomous snake in the family Colubridae, a subspecies of Storeria occipitomaculata. It is sometimes referred to as a fire snake….

Northern redbelly snake
Suborder: Serpentes
Family: Colubridae
Genus: Storeria
Species: S. occipitomaculata

Are red belly black snakes aggressive?

This species is not aggressive and will usually retreat before attacking, although when it is threatened it will raise its body from the ground flatten its neck, hiss and perform a series of strikes. There have been no recorded human deaths as a result of a Red-bellied Black Snake bite to date in Australia.

Are red belly racer snakes poisonous?

The red-bellied snake or redbelly snake (Storeria occipitomaculata) is a non-venomous snake endemic to North America belonging to the Colubridae family.

What does a red belly black snake look like?

The lowest lateral scale rows and the outer edge of the ventral scales are bright crimson, fading to duller red, orange or pink in the middle of the belly. In the north of the range the ventral colour may be greyish-pink to white. The underside of the tail is black. Body scales are smooth and glossy.

How do you get rid of red belly black snakes?

Check out the following tips on snake control and snake removal or call us now for prompt snake removal services.

  1. Seal any cracks or crevices.
  2. Get lopping.
  3. Eradicate other pests to cut off their food source.
  4. Keep your yard and garden tidy.
  5. Call for snake removal backup.

Where do red belly black snakes nest?

It shelters in thick grass clumps, logs, burrows and under rocks. Females are ovoviviparous. That means females give birth to live young. A red-bellied black snake can live for up to 6 years.

Can red belly black snakes climb?

Red-bellied Black Snakes feed on a variety of vertebrates including fish, tadpoles, frogs, lizards, snakes (including its own species) and mammals. They search widely for prey on land and in water, and are known to climb to several metres.

How do I keep snakes away from my car?

Keep that in mind, because if you happen to let a snake in, there are quite a few different holes where they can get behind the plastic dashboard, door panels, and through the vents. It’s best to just not chance it, so keep those doors and windows closed at all times.

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