What is the purpose of JSDoc?

What is the purpose of JSDoc?

JSDoc is a markup language used to annotate JavaScript source code files. Using comments containing JSDoc, programmers can add documentation describing the application programming interface of the code they’re creating.

How do I get JSDoc?

3 Answers

  1. Install Node.js which comes with npm.
  2. Open your a command line.
  3. Install JsDoc by typing the following command. npm install -g jsdoc.
  4. Run JsDoc / generate documentation. more info. jsdoc path/to/file.js.
  5. Configure jsdoc (Optional)

Where is JSDoc installed?

Installation and Usage You can install JSDoc globally or in your project’s node_modules folder. Note: By default, npm adds your package using the caret operator in front of the version number (for example, ^3.6. 3 ).

Is JSDoc built in?

By default, JSDoc uses the built-in “default” template to turn the documentation into HTML.

How do I comment a TS file?

“Comment TS” generates a template for JSDoc comments. It is adapted for TypeScript files. Typescript comes with a lot of language annotations, which should not be duplicated in the comments….To add a comment

  1. press Ctrl+Alt+C twice.
  2. or select ‘Comment code’ from your context menu.
  3. or insert /** above the line of code.

How do you add or comment in method code?

Create a Comment in VSCode, the easy way.

  1. On Windows, the shortcut is: CTRL + /
  2. On Mac, the shortcut is: Command + /

How do you write a comment in JSDoc?

JSDoc comments should generally be placed immediately before the code being documented. Each comment must start with a /** sequence in order to be recognized by the JSDoc parser. Comments beginning with /* , /*** , or more than 3 stars will be ignored.

Does JSDoc work with TypeScript?

You can use most JSDoc type syntax and any TypeScript syntax, from the most basic like string to the most advanced, like conditional types.

Can You document a class in JSDoc 3?

JSDoc 3 makes it easy to document classes that follow the ECMAScript 2015 specification. You don’t need to use tags such as @class and @constructor with ES 2015 classes—JSDoc automatically identifies classes and their constructors simply by parsing your code. ES 2015 classes are supported in JSDoc 3.4.0 and later. Documenting a simple class

How to tell JSDoc that a variable holds a class?

First, you need to tell JSDoc that a given variable holds a class. Second, you need to mark an object literal as defining a class. You do the latter via the @lends tag: If an object literal has an @constructs method, you need to tell JSDoc about it, so that it can find the documentation for the instance properties.

Is the es 2015 class supported in JSDoc?

ES 2015 classes are supported in JSDoc 3.4.0 and later. The following example shows how to document a simple class with a constructor, two instance methods, and one static method:

How can I specify array types in JSDoc?

You can specify array types using a variety of syntaxes: You can also specify object literal types. For example, an object with properties ‘a’ (string) and ‘b’ (number) uses the following syntax: You can specify map-like and array-like objects using string and number index signatures, using either standard JSDoc syntax or TypeScript syntax.

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