Can you self refer to Camhs Northamptonshire?

Can you self refer to Camhs Northamptonshire?

Any professional that is currently supporting you can make the referral for your emotional and mental health wellbeing. This could be your GP, school nurse, school teacher, social worker. If you are over the age of 13, you can also speak to us directly about getting support through our online chat .

How are referrals made to Camhs?

Referrals to this service are accepted by sending in a Single Point of Entry Form or a School Health Nursing Service Request Form. Each referral is assessed by the nurses prior to them agreeing to commence any work with a child/young Person and/or their family.

Does Camhs allow self referral?

Information on how to refer into the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service. Parents and carers who would like their child to access CFHDevon can now self-refer into any service, rather than waiting for a GP or other health professional refer for them.

What should a Camhs referral include?

The referral should include if relevant and appropriate the Sinlge Assessment, Care Plan, Child Protection Plan, Child Protection Conference minutes and past reports for Court.

Who are CAMHS and what do they do?

CAMHS are specialist NHS mental health services for children and young people. They offer assessment, diagnosis, treatment and support for young people who are experiencing problems with their emotions, behaviour or mental health.

What questions do they ask at CAMHS?

Some common questions that usually come up during this appointment are:

  • How long have you been facing these problems?
  • How has your mood been lately?
  • What is life at school like for you?
  • What would you like to achieve or change at CAMHS?
  • How do you think we can help you best?
  • How do you get on with your family?

When should I refer to CAMHS?

Children who show persistent or severe symptoms of anxiety present for over 6-9 months should be referred to Specialist CAMHS. Evidence of what has already been tried should be provided. which will need to be exhausted prior to referral.

What does Tier 3 CAMHS mean?

Tier 3 means specialist CAMHS, including eating disorder services. Hertfordshire’s specialist CAMHS are provided by Hertfordshire Partnership NHS University Foundation Trust (HPFT). There’s information about the types of services CAMHS provide here.

How long does it take to get a referral from CAMHS?

How long will we have to wait for a first appointment? Once the referral is received by CAMHS it will be coded as Urgent or Routine. Urgent appointments are seen within two weeks. If your referral is coded as routine, you will not wait for more than 9 weeks for a first appointment, often less.

When should I contact CAMHS?

If you are extremely worried about your child’s mental health and feel they need help right away, we would advise that you try to see your GP for an emergency appointment. Your GP can contact CAMHS to ask for an urgent assessment if needed.

When should I call the crisis team?

Emergencies. If someone has attempted, or is at immediate risk of attempting to harm themselves or someone else, call Triple Zero (000) immediately. Or go to a hospital emergency department, where they may refer you to a mental health service.

What does CAMHS do for the community in Northamptonshire?

CAMHS in the Community. The CAMHS Community Mental Health Team supports children and young people in Northamptonshire who have severe and complex mental health difficulties. The service offers a range of therapies delivered individually or in groups, at a number of localities across the county.

Who are child and Adolescent Mental Health Services in Northamptonshire?

NHFT’s Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) supports children and young people up to the age of 18 in Northamptonshire, experiencing difficulties with their emotional wellbeing and mental health difficulties.

Who are the CAMHS community mental health team?

The CAMHS Community Mental Health Team supports children and young people in Northamptonshire who have severe and complex mental health difficulties. The service offers a range of therapies delivered individually or in groups, at a number of localities across the county.

How does a referral work for a CAMH?

They can then complete a referral into CAMHS should they need. The professionals involved will be able to offer you advice and show you what other services are available to help support you. If a referral is completed, it will then be screened by a clinician and you will be informed of the decision.

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