What does the star mean on the Cranium board?

What does the star mean on the Cranium board?

Yes. Roll the die and move the number of spaces you rolled. If you started out on a Lucky Star, you get to move twice the number you rolled! Your turn is now over.

What does it mean when you roll purple in cranium?

(A purple roll lets you skip ahead to the next Planet Cranium and the card of your choice.) If they weren’t successful the first time, they stay on Planet Cranium until a fruitful turn, then roll the die to proceed on the “scenic path” (a longer trail to the final destination).

What are the cranium categories?

The Cranium Game is outrageous fun and gives players a chance to show off their talents! Players team up to cruise around the board completing activities in 4 color-coded categories: Creative Cat, Data Head, Star Performer, and Word Worm.

What do you do when you roll purple in cranium?

Cranium Central If you roll PURPLE, you can choose your starting point on the circle. On your next turn, draw one card from each deck. Each time you successfully complete an activity, hold onto the card and move clockwise to the next deck that you need.

How many teams can you have in cranium?

Players are divided into two, three, or four teams; each team picks a mover and puts it on the “Planet Cranium” space. The board is laid out as a circuit, consisting of different color spaces. Each color corresponds to a question card category. Purple “Planet Cranium” spaces give the team their choice of category.

What is the latest edition of cranium?

Cranium WOW
Cranium WOW is the newest version of the outrageously fun, smash-hit board game that brings friends and family together through a variety of activities that celebrate all of your interests and strengths.

How do you land on cranium?

Cranium Central First, enter the Cranium Circle on a roll from either the scenic path or the fast track and move to the deck name matching your roll. If you roll PURPLE, you can choose your starting point on the circle. On your next turn, draw one card from each deck.

What are the rules for the game Cranium?

Cranium Game Rules. Setup. Players make teams, with a minimum of two players on each team. Each team receives a pad of paper and pencil, and a pawn which goes on the board at “start”. Put each box of cards next to their appropriate space on the board.

How do you draw cards in cranium central?

Cranium Central First, enter the Cranium Circle on a roll from either the scenic path or the fast track and move to the deck name matching your roll. If you roll PURPLE, you can choose your starting point on the circle. On your next turn, draw one card from each deck.

What does the cranium mean in tea leaf dictionary?

The cranium in tea lead dictionary terms means an awakening. This cross is often a symbol of transition. Everything in life has a beginning middle and an end. The skull is often associated with earthly beings.

What happens at the end of a cranium turn?

If your team successfully completes the activity described on the card before the timer runs out, you get to roll and move. If unsuccessful, stay where you are and try again next turn. Regardless of success, your turn always ends after one card. Play then passes to next team. There are four Planet Craniums on your way to Cranium Central.

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