How do you use credulity in a sentence?

How do you use credulity in a sentence?

Credulity in a Sentence

  1. Tom’s astounding credulity led him to believe that the world really is flat.
  2. Thanks to my credulity when I was a child, I truly believed my mom always knew when I was lying.
  3. If you will believe almost anything that you are told, you have far too much credulity.

What is the best definition of credulity?

: readiness or willingness to believe especially on slight or uncertain evidence Her description of the event strains credulity.

What is credulity effect?

We know roughly what credulity is: a tendency to give too much credence to certain claims or appearances; to be too ready to believe things we should not believe.

What is the synonym of credulity?

credulity. Synonyms: gullibility, simplicity, acceptativeness, openmouthedness. Antonyms: incredulity, scepticism, suspiciousness, shrewdness.

What is the dictionary definition of credulity?

noun. willingness to believe or trust too readily, especially without proper or adequate evidence; gullibility.

What is the root word in credulity?

early 15c., “faith, belief,” from Old French credulité (12c.), from Latin credulitatem (nominative credulitas) “easiness of belief, rash confidence,” noun of quality from credulus “that easily believes, trustful,” from credere “to believe” (see credo).

What is the difference between faith and credulity?

Faith and credulity are invoked when a matter is in doubt. It takes faith or credulity to believe those things. When a thing is in doubt, and when you otherwise wish to believe, you practice faith or credulity. But neither faith nor credulity bring certainty.

What is the best antonym for credulity?

“Credulous” is even more closely allied to the nouns “credulity” and “credulousness” (both meaning “gullibility”), and of course its antonym, “incredulous” (“skeptical,” also “improbable”).

What do you mean by credulous?

1 : ready to believe especially on slight or uncertain evidence accused of swindling credulous investors Few people are credulous enough to believe such nonsense.

What do cred mean in credulous?

-cred-, root. -cred- comes from Latin, where it has the meaning “believe. ” This meaning is found in such words as: credence, credential, credible, credit, credo, credulous, creed, incredible.

What is the origin of credulity?

credulity (n.) early 15c., “faith, belief,” from Old French credulité (12c.), from Latin credulitatem (nominative credulitas) “easiness of belief, rash confidence,” noun of quality from credulus “that easily believes, trustful,” from credere “to believe” (see credo).

How can you use credulity in a sentence?

Examples of Credulity in a sentence Tom’s astounding credulity led him to believe that the world really is flat. 🔊 Thanks to my credulity when I was a child, I truly believed my mom always knew when I was lying. 🔊 If you will believe almost anything that you are told, you have far too much credulity. 🔊

How to use ” paternal credulity ” in a sentence?

Where earlier historians had read ancient authors with deference and credulity, he approached their works with presumptuous skepticism. Paternal credulity in Terence generally limits itself to mistaking undutiful sons for obedient and honest sons.

Is it true that hackers exploit people’s credulity?

— Chris Lee, Vulture, 23 June 2021 Ultimately, everyone should be more vigilant about what information is trustworthy and be aware that hackers exploit people’s credulity, especially if the information is not from reputable news sources or published scientific work.

Is there such thing as credulity in fast and furious?

— Jessica M. Goldstein, The New Republic, 1 July 2021 Every Fast and Furious movie strains credulity, but F9 shatters it so completely, even the production’s own characters have noticed.

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