Is Janna good support 2021?

Is Janna good support 2021?

Is Janna Good Right Now? Ranking as the #17 Best Pick In the Support role for patch 11.21, placing it within our C-Tier Rank. Average in terms of picks, nothing special and nothing weak, in terms of difficulty, this is a easy to play champion for new players in league of legends.

Is Janna a good support?

With that being said, Janna has always been a high pick support and has recently seen play in the LCS and Pro games. Janna has been one of my favorite supports and will continue to be for the future.

Is Janna a mid?

Janna is at heart, a support and when you play her mid you will be doing a lot of the same things… Janna has always been a bully in bot spamming W. It has a low CD and good enough ratios in the early game that it can get pretty annoying. This is your best friend in mid lane.

Is Janna hard to master?

Janna is mechanically very easy because she doesn’t really have a right order to play her spells in. What’s difficult about her is more nuanced stuff like positioning and objective control.

Is Janna good in s11?

The perfect champion for this playstyle is Janna. She is insanely good at disengaging fights and enchanting your allies. You must regard yourself as a backline player and shield allies that are under threat by the enemy team. A good Janna never dies since she has so much movement speed, shielding and disengage.

Is Janna a hard champion?

Janna is mechanically very easy because she doesn’t really have a right order to play her spells in. What’s difficult about her is more nuanced stuff like positioning and objective control. True. Every champion demands some kind of intensive knowledge, whether they’re mechanically easy or not.

Is Janna top good?

Despite the nerfs on Spellthief’s Edge, Soraka, and Sona, Janna is still a powerful pick in the top lane. Janna’s win rate in solo queue is still looking good. She sits at about 53% win rate, and despite the low pick rate, the data is far from being irrelevant.

Is Janna jungle good?

Janna has a strong history of being one of the best supports in the game. Not only does she deal decent damage, her high movement speed and ability to kite allow her to do poke.

Who is better Janna or Lulu?

Janna is the best support and has the highest winrate for a reason. Like you said, its situational, but you know what, every champ in the game is situational, so dont give me that. The amount of situations where Janna is better or more useful than Lulu as a support is just simply higher and thats why she is better.

Why Janna is the best support?

Janna is often picked in unfavourable matchups or into strong enemy laners because she can deal with them. Her kit allows her to counter even the most difficult laners. Janna can turn any hard engage lane or high damage dealing lane into a stale mate lane because of her ability to prevent any damage taken on his ADC.

Is Janna Meta?

At what point do you pick Janna? She isn’t exactly meta, but she always has a place to style on people.

Is Jana a support?

Janna is a enchanter Support Champion. She excels at shielding and healing your teammates to keep them alive. The later the game goes the better Janna gets.

Is Janna a hard support?

imo janna is definitely one of the harder enchanter supports but she’s also the queen of disengage. you can usually play her into lanes like leona, nautilus, thresh, with relative ease imo. as you said already, holding your tornado for engages is easily your best move.

Is Janna good in solo Q?

What do you do with extra MS on blitzcrank?

The extra MS is also extremely helpful on Blitzcrank and the active makes landing hooks easier along with just general great utility. Grants extra tankiness if enemy has some troublesome mages and the UNIQUE Aura is a good bonus for more ap damage immediately after Rocket Grab .

How does horizon focus work in blitzcrank?

Horizon Focus – Your damage is increased by 10% for 6 seconds, when you hit someone with your Q. It works really good at blitzcrank because after you hit someone with your Q it make that your E and R deal such a more damage to enemies. Especially in late game when you reach more AP.

What to do with Janna in bot lane?

With the new runes, the bot lane got divides between “Poke Supports” and “Engage Supports”. Janna its right in the middle, she doesn’t poke too much and she cants engage. With this build, you turn this into a poke support.

How does Janna get more AP in League of Legends?

Janna’s basic attacks and Zephyr deal bonus on-hit magic damage equal to 15% / 25% / 35% of her bonus movement speed. This means, that more movement speed equals to more AP, and more AP make that Zephyr deal a lot of damage. The new rune gave us %3 more MS and gain more AP based on our MS.

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