What is the salary of Anganwadi Sevika in Maharashtra?

What is the salary of Anganwadi Sevika in Maharashtra?

Maharashtra Anganwadi Sevika/Sahayika Salary Details Check the following details to know Anganwadi Sevika/Sahayika Salary: Anganwadi Worker (AWW) Salary : Rs. 3000 to Rs. 4500/- per month.

How can I apply for Anganwadi supervisor in Bihar?

Visit Www.icdsbih.gov.in & Click on the Bihar Integrated Child Development Service – ICDS Recruitment Results Page, Enter your Exam Application Login details (Application number / DOB and view The WCD Bihar Anganwadi Supervisor Recruitment Results 2021.

How do I apply for Asha job?

If you’re eligible to apply for the latest ASHA Job openings, click on the apply link or download the application form. Fill in the required fields and cross-check the entered information before submitting the form. Upload your documents, signature, and photographs if needed. Pay the application fee if any.

What is the salary of Anganwadi supervisor in Bihar?

ICDS Bihar Anganwadi Lady Supervisor in-hand Salary 2021

Scale of Pay Rs.5,200/- to Rs.20,200/-
Grade Pay (GP) Rs.2,400/-
Approximate in hand salary Around Rs.15,000/-

What is Anganwadi Sevika?

Mukhya Sevikas’ other duties include keeping track of people of lower economic status benefiting from the program, in particular the malnourished; guiding the Anganwadi workers in assessing children’s age and weight and plotting their weight; demonstrating effective methods of providing health and nutrition education …

What is Icds full form?

These Children are the future human resource of the country. Launched on 2nd October, 1975, the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme is one of the flagship programmes of the Government of India and represents one of the world’s largest and unique programmes for early childhood care and development.

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