Does lamotrigine cause weight loss or gain?

Does lamotrigine cause weight loss or gain?

Low risk of weight gain: Lamotrigine (Lamictal) is most likely to cause weight loss. However, it can also cause weight gain. Other common side effects of this drug include: headache.

Has anyone gained weight on lamotrigine?

Unlike most mood stabilizers, though, Lamictal is less likely to cause weight gain. In clinical trials, less than 5 percent of those taking Lamictal gained weight. If you take Lamictal and have gained weight, the weight gain may be an effect of the disorder itself.

What is the best mood stabilizer for weight loss?

Topiramate led to substantial weight loss in patients with bipolar disorders in these studies. The efficacy of topiramate as an adjunct treatment in patients with mood disorders has been demonstrated.

What mood stabilizers do not cause weight gain?

Are there drugs to treat bipolar disorder that do not cause weight gain?

  • lamotrigine.
  • ziprasidone.
  • aripiprazole.
  • carbamazepine.
  • fluoxetine and olanzapine.
  • oxcarbazepine.
  • gabapentin.
  • topiramate.

Has anyone lost weight on lamotrigine?

In the first clinical trials involving the drug, 5% of adults with epilepsy lost weight while taking Lamictal, while between 1% and 5% of patients with bipolar I disorder gained weight while on the drug. 3 The researchers didn’t disclose how much weight the patients gained or lost.

Does Lamictal speed up metabolism?

Lamotrigine metabolism also exhibits the phenomenon of “autoinduction” (increase in its own metabolism during the course of therapy) [104], similar to the first-generation AED carbamazepine, with an approximately 20% reduction in steady-state serum/plasma concentrations if dosage is not escalated.

Does lamotrigine speed up metabolism?

What are the most common side effects of lamotrigine?

Common side effects may include:

  • headache, dizziness;
  • blurred vision, double vision;
  • tremor, loss of coordination;
  • dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, diarrhea;
  • fever, sore throat, runny nose;
  • drowsiness, tired feeling;
  • back pain; or.
  • sleep problems (insomnia).

Can lamotrigine give you energy?

Lamotrigine 25 mg/day was added at bedtime and increased by 25 mg after 2 weeks. However, after 2 weeks, he reported restlessness, decreased need for sleep (5 h/day), improved mood, increased energy, and distractibility.

What are the long term side effects of lamotrigine?

Many people can take lamotrigine safely for several months or years. But there are some side effects that might happen over a long time. Long-term treatment with lamotrigine can cause osteoporosis and osteopenia, increasing your risk of breaking a bone. Your doctor can arrange for tests to check your bone strength.

Does lamotrigine help with anxiety?

Lamotrigine was an efficacious pharmaceutical intervention that helped the patient deal with chronic stress and associated anxiety.

Does lamotrigine cause weight loss?

Yes it can. Weight loss is a common, normal side effect to taking Lamotrigine. In clinical studies from 5 up to 20% of users taking Lamotrigine reported a loss in weight.

What are the side effects of lamotrigine?

Commonly reported side effects of lamotrigine include: ataxia, skin rash, headache, insomnia, and nausea. Other side effects include: infection, dyspepsia, abnormal gait, constipation, and drowsiness.

Can Lamictal help you lose weight?

The good news for prospective Lamictal users is that, according to research, Lamictal is unlikely to cause significant weight change – and if weight change does occur, it’s most likely to be modest weight loss.

Is Lamictal known to cause weight gain?

Unlike most mood stabilizers, though, Lamictal is less likely to cause weight gain . In clinical trials, less than 5 percent of those taking Lamictal gained weight. If you take Lamictal and have gained weight, the weight gain may be an effect of the disorder itself.

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