How do I download pictures from Taobao?

How do I download pictures from Taobao?

SAVE IMAGES & VIDEOS FROM 1688, Taobao and Tmall!

  1. Click on the install button to get the browser extension.
  2. Open a product from, or
  3. Open the app window and start downloading!.
  4. That’s it!. Images and videos are downloaded to your computer!

How do I download pictures from thumbnails?

Click one of the thumbnails to highlight it, then press “Ctrl-A” or “Command-A” to select all of the images and subfolders within the DCIM folder. Once all of the items are highlighted, press “Ctrl-C” or “Command-C” to copy them to your clipboard.

How do I download pictures from Alibaba?


  1. Click on the install button to get the browser extension.
  2. Open an AliExpress product page.
  3. Click on the download button next to the images. Or click on the app icon on the top right or your navigator and start downloading!
  4. Enjoy. Images are saved to your computer!

How do I mass download images from Google?

First head to Google Photos and click on the tick mark on top left corner on the photos or videos you want to download. Hold down Shift and click further down in the photo roll if you want to select multiple photos at once. Click on the three dots at the top right and click Download (or use Shift + D).

How do I download multiple pictures in Chrome?

If you want to try another browser extension, you can go to and search for “bulk image downloader” to find an alternative. Click the blue Add to Chrome button. It’s at the top-right corner of the page. Click Add extension when prompted.

How do I download a picture extension in Chrome?

Click Image Downloader extension for Chrome saves you time by allowing you to save images with a keyboard shortcut. Simply hold the Shift key and right-click which saves you a wee bit of time. The extension works well with Google Images and Bing, but not with other websites.

Can you convert thumbnails to images?

Double-click the DB thumbnail file. This will open it in Windows Picture Viewer. Select the image you’d like to convert using the scroll bar at the bottom. Select “Save As” to save the full size image.

What kind of class is alamofire imagedownloader?

The ImageDownloader class is responsible for downloading images in parallel on a prioritized queue. It uses an internal Alamofire SessionManager instance to handle all the downloading and response image serialization. By default, the initialization of an ImageDownloader uses a default URLSessionConfiguration with the most common parameter values.

What do you need to know about alamofireimage?

What you really need is another caching layer designed to handle these different variants. The AutoPurgingImageCache in AlamofireImage fills the role of that additional caching layer. It is an in-memory image cache used to store images up to a given memory capacity.

What can I do with alamofire image serializer?

The AlamofireImage response image serializers support a wide range of image types including: If the image you are attempting to download is an invalid MIME type not in the list, you can add custom acceptable content types using the addAcceptableImageContentTypes extension on the DataRequest type.

Where to find alamofireimage framework in build log?

Select the top AlamofireImage.framework for iOS and the bottom one for OS X. You can verify which one you selected by inspecting the build log for your project. The build target for AlamofireImage will be listed as either AlamofireImage iOS, AlamofireImage macOS, AlamofireImage tvOS or AlamofireImage watchOS.

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