What is mDNSResponder on my Mac?

What is mDNSResponder on my Mac?

Specifically, mDNSResponder is a daemon that’s responsible for discovering services running on other devices on the local network. It also handles DNS requests for services that need to connect to the internet.

How do I get rid of mDNSResponder on Mac?

Though we have learned about how it can go into your processes and storage you can opt to disable mDNSResponder for quite some time and turn it back on whenever you like: Open Terminal App then Key In: sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com. apple. mDNSresponder.

Can I delete mDNSResponder?

Thankfully you can still remove mDNSResponder.exe if you really want to, and it will simply limit some of the functionality in the apps that might rely on it.

How do you clean up processes on a Mac?

Optimize the inside of your Mac with a clean-up

  1. Step One: Update your software.
  2. Step Two: Tidy up your start up.
  3. Step Three: Clean out unused apps.
  4. Step Four: Clean out the downloads folder.
  5. Step Five: Tidy up your storage disk.
  6. Step Six: Clean out the cache.
  7. Step 7: Remove resource-hungry programs.
  8. Step 8: Take out the trash.

Can I stop Bonjour service?

You can definitely uninstall the Bonjour service without doing any harm to the computer. But, uninstalling or disabling the Bonjour service may limit the functionality of programs that use Bonjour.

What is the DNS responder?

You can configure the responder feature to respond to DNS requests as it does to HTTP and TCP requests. For example, you could configure it to send DNS responses over UDP and ensure that the DNS requests from the client are sent over TCP.

Should I disable Bonjour Mac?

Disable Bonjour: In order to perform the tasks Bonjour is designed to perform it automatically shares the Mac system related information on the designated network. In the case the network is not trusted one might want to reconsider using Bonjour and disable it.

Does mDNSResponder EXE need?

Is the mDNSResponder.exe process important? The process is associated with an Apple service and is not a part of the operating system itself. Thus, it isn’t necessary that it keeps running in the background. However, iTunes or other Apple associated programs need it.

How do I disable mDNSResponder?

How To Disable And Remove mDNSResponder.exe aka Bonjour

  1. Now just Scroll down and Select Bonjour, then Click Uninstall.
  2. Click the Start Menu and Type services.
  3. Scroll down the list of services, Right-Click on Bonjour Service and Select Properties.*
  4. In the properties window General tab, set Startup type to Disabled.

What is mDNSResponder and why is it on my Mac?

And mDNSResponder is key to Bonjour working properly. Specifically, mDNSResponder is a daemon that’s responsible for discovering services running on other devices on the local network. It also handles DNS requests for services that need to connect to the internet.

How to stop the running process of mdnsresponder.exe?

Step 2: In the Task Manager window, you should click the Processes tab, scroll down, and find out the running process of the mDNSResponder.exe. Step 3: Select it and then click End Task to terminate or stop the running process of the mDNSResponder.exe.

What does mDNSResponder stand for in Networking category?

mDNSresponder/Bonjour, also known as zero-configuration networking, enables automatic discovery of computers, devices, and services on IP networks.

Do you need mDNSResponder for Bonjour on Mac?

Having a Mac and by using macOS can require you to use Bonjour, mDNSresponder is the most essential part of Bonjour. But have you asked yourself if is this needed to be on your Mac? Does it take up a lot of space? Will it result in running out of application memory of your system?

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