What is fast-flux hosting?

What is fast-flux hosting?

Fast flux hosting (or fast-flux service networks), commonly utilized amongst malware bot herds and spammers, is a method used to hide servers or content behind an almost dynamic domain name. This means that phishing sites or bot command and control machines could be pulled down as soon as they were identified.

What is double fluxing?

Double-flux refers to dynamically and repeatedly changing the IP addresses of both the Domain Name and its Authoritative Nameservers with a very low TTL value. The Double-Flux process is done by changing the DNS A and DNS NS Glue record frequently in the DNS Zone file with the IP address of fast-flux agents.

What is domain flux?

Domain fluxing is a technique for keeping a malicious botnet in operation by constantly changing the domain name of the botnet owner’s Command and Control (C&C) server. If something is “in flux,” it means it is constantly changing.

What is a soldering flux?

Flux is a chemical cleaning agent used before and during the soldering process of electronic components onto circuit boards. The flux also protects the metal surfaces from re-oxidation during soldering and helps the soldering process by altering the surface tension of the molten solder.

What is advanced fast flux in cyber security?

Fast flux is a DNS technique used to mask botnets by quickly shifting among a network of compromised hosts, acting as proxies, enabling cybercriminals to delay or evade detection. Fast flux enables botnets to hide behind rapidly shifting network of compromised hosts, acting as proxies.

What is fast flux domains?

Fast flux is a DNS technique used to mask botnets by quickly shifting among a network of compromised hosts, acting as proxies, enabling cybercriminals to delay or evade detection. Using the fast flux, botnets quickly shift among these IP addresses, enabling cybercriminals to delay or evade detection.

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