How do you measure the length of a chainsaw chain?

How do you measure the length of a chainsaw chain?

Measure the distance from the tip of the chainsaw bar to the point where the bar first emerges from the saw’s casing. A tape measure will provide that information. Round the measurement up to the nearest even number if the figure was uneven or fractional. The resulting number is the bar measurement.

How do you measure a chainsaw?

To get the correct size, simply count 3 rivets on the chain and measure the distance between them from the centre points. Now divide this by half to get your size. As an example, three rivets that measure ½ an inch across divided by two gives you a pitch of a ¼ inch.

What is a standard chainsaw length?

The best chainsaws for home use typically have bar lengths that range from 6 inches on smaller, electric saws to 20 inches on larger, gasoline-powered models. Professional-grade saws have bar lengths greater than 20 inches. Electric saws and small gas saws work for cutting small trees, pruning and trimming.

What is the most common chainsaw length?

The standard blade sizes for medium- to heavy-duty chainsaws are 14 to 18 inches, with engine displacements of 40 to 50 cc. Heavy-duty saws with long blades are adequate for heavy yard work, though in many cases they tend to be overkill and can actually hinder you on a small job.

Can I put a longer bar on my Stihl chainsaw?

Stihl’s electric saws come in three different sizes: the MSE 140 can handle a bar between 12 and 16 inches, the MSE 180 can take a bigger 18-inch bar, and the MSE 220 takes a bar between 16 and 20 inches.

What’s the difference between 3/8 and 325 chain?

The three-eighths chain is a beefier saw and better suited to one that has more horsepower. It has larger teeth and a heavier duty chain, so it requires more horsepower to operate correctly. 325-inch chain for those saws between 40 and 60 cc.

How do you determine the length of a chainsaw?

However, a more accurate means of determining the chain’s length includes two other measurements that affect how well the chain fits on your saw. Measure the distance from the tip of the chainsaw bar to the point where the bar first emerges from the saw’s casing. A tape measure will provide that information.

What size bar for Chainsaw?

You should consider a chainsaw with a cutting bar of either 16- or 18-inches . Models that come with such a size are highly versatile and are usually regarded as general purpose machines. They’re ideal for homeowners who plan to cut through thick tree branches as well as logs.

What is the size of a chainsaw?

The standard blade sizes are relatively small, at 8 to 12 inches. Electric chainsaws are perfect for yard work such as limb thinning, trimming and pruning. They are also adequate for larger limb removal and cutting down smaller trees.

How are chainsaws measured?

Measure a chainsaw chain by measuring the length of the chain with a measuring tape, then count the drive links in the chain; the drive links are links with gear teeth (as opposed to the cutting links that have the blades). Chainsaw chains are measured by the number of drive teeth in most circumstances but also in length.

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