Which celebrities birthday is in April?

Which celebrities birthday is in April?

Bollywood Celebrities Birthday

  • Ayaz Khan. Apr 1. Turning 34 years old.
  • Ajay Devgn. Apr 2. Turning 52 years old.
  • Roshan Seth. Apr 2. Turning 79 years old.
  • Remo DSouza. Apr 2. Turning 47 years old.
  • Kapil Sharma. Apr 2. Turning 40 years old.
  • Akasa Singh. Apr 2. Turning 27 years old.
  • Ravi Verma. Apr 2. Turning 32 years old.
  • Hariharan. Apr 3.

What celebrity has the birthday April 26?

Here are some of the notable people celebrating birthdays today, including Carol Burnett, Channing Tatum, Giancarlo Esposito, Jet Li, Joan Chen, Kevin James and more.

What celebrity’s birthday is April 18?

Alia Shawkat. Actor Alia Shawkat is 32.

  • America Ferrera. Actor America Ferrera is 37.
  • Britt Robertson. Actor Britt Robertson is 31.
  • Chloe Bennet. Actor Chloe Bennet is 29.
  • Conan O’Brien. Talk show host Conan O’Brien is 58.
  • David Tennant. Actor David Tennant is 50.
  • Ellen Woglom.
  • Eric McCormack.
  • Who was born on 7 April?

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    Is April a popular birth month?

    According to a Harvard University study that collected data from 1973 to 1999, September was the most common birth month, meaning that the holidays have been making us feel pretty saucy for decades. Well for one, March, April and May are the least popular months to get it on, according to this study.

    Who has a birthday on April 27th?

    Here are some of the notable people celebrating birthdays today, including Ace Frehley, Emily Rios, Jim James, Kate Pierson, Lizzo, Sally Hawkins and more.

    What celebrity’s birthday is April 27?

    Top celebrity birthdays on April 27, 2020 Birthday wishes go out to Lizzo, Jenna Coleman and all the other celebrities with birthdays today.

    What is April 18th known for?

    Every year, the United Nations marks April 18 as the International Day for Monuments and Sites, in many countries also celebrated as World Heritage Day.

    What celebrity is an Aries?

    Those who are the Aries zodiac sign are typically known to be bold and passionate. Lady Gaga, Kourtney Kardashian, Paul Rudd, and Chance the Rapper are all Aries.


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