Why have I got a red spot on my breast?

Why have I got a red spot on my breast?

Although red spots or a red rash on the breast are usually symptoms of a noncancerous condition, they can sometimes be an early sign of breast cancer and a person should monitor them closely. Red spots are a typical feature of inflammatory breast cancer or IBC, which is a rare but aggressive form of breast cancer.

Should I be concerned about a red spot on my breast?

A red spot on your breast is more likely to be a pimple, bug bite, or rash than a sign of breast cancer. But if you have any cause for concern, have your doctor take a look at it. See your doctor right away if: You also have swollen lymph nodes on your neck or under your arm.

Does inflammatory breast cancer look like a pimple?

A pimple on the breast — a small, raised red spot — is almost certainly not a sign of breast cancer. Still, perhaps you’re worried. How do you know if you should see your doctor? Typically, breast cancer begins with a lump inside the breast, not a red spot on the surface.

Do IBC spots come and go?

When the symptoms of IBC appear, they may come and go in the beginning. In fact, some of the symptoms mentioned above can appear suddenly and may be mistaken for another condition with similar symptoms, such as an infection or rash.

Is IBC itchy?

Early IBC symptoms may include persistent itching and the appearance of a rash or small irritation similar to an insect bite. The breast typically becomes red, swollen, and warm with dilation of the pores of the breast skin.

How do I know if I had IBC?

One of the first signs is most likely to be visible swelling (edema) of the skin of the breast and/or redness of the breast (covers more than 30 percent of the breast). Other signs and symptoms include: Tender, painful, or itchy breasts. Dimpling or pitting of the breast skin, resembling an orange peel.

Where does IBC rash start?

Symptoms of IBC usually take just 3-6 months to develop. Your symptoms may include: A red or purple color or a rash spread over one-third of the breast. Pitting, thickening, or dimpling of skin on the breast, so that it looks like an orange peel, a condition called peau d’orange.

Can IBC show up overnight?

IBC is fast-growing cancer that can block lymph vessels and blood vessels in the breast. This causes signs and symptoms to develop quickly, sometimes seemingly overnight, or over a few weeks or months.

What is a red spot on your breast?

Although red spots or a red rash on the breast are usually symptoms of a noncancerous condition, they can sometimes be an early sign of breast cancer and a person should monitor them closely. Red spots are a typical feature of inflammatory breast cancer or IBC , which is a rare but aggressive form of breast cancer.

What are red bumps on your breasts?

Red blotches on the breast can indicate a range of conditions, including hives, rash or dermatitis. Sometimes red blotches are caused by cancer. You may experience symptoms of itch or pain, or none at all. Other reasons for blotches include mastitis , mammary duct ectasia, Paget’s disease of the breast or inflammatory breast cancer.

What does dark brown spots on breasts causes?

Brown spots on the breasts can be due to sun rays, allergy, milk rash, acne, ingrown hair, yeast infection, abscess, and even hormonal imbalance. Dark spots or brown spots could be appearing on the skin of the body including near the area of the breast.

What causes rash on your breasts?

Usually, the causes of a rash under the breasts are excessive moisture (that can be caused by excessive sweating) and chaffing. In time, the breast rash can also become infected by bacterial infections, yeast infections (candida), or other types of fungal infections.

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