How do you care for a Cineraria plant?

How do you care for a Cineraria plant?

Cinerarias should be placed in bright, indirect light with a temperature near 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep the potting soil evenly moist, but not saturated. If the potting soil becomes dry, the plant will wilt rapidly and may die if not promptly watered.

Is Cineraria an annual or a perennial?

This tender perennial produces dazzling, daisy-like flowers for up to four weeks. The species is divided into two types: compact florist’s cineraria, and big, bushy garden varieties. Potted cineraria is an annual, but when planted outdoors it will reseed and produce new plants in the spring.

Do Cineraria come back each year?

Cineraria tolerates light frost with ease, but can be damaged by hard freezes. Where winters are mild, cineraria can be grown as a winter annual or short-lived perennial.

Is Cineraria an indoor plant?

Cineraria plants are very fragile perennial plants so they are mostly used as outdoor annuals or indoor gift plants that bloom for only about a month. Once the flowers of a Cineraria plant die, it’s time to throw it out or plant it outside.

Is cineraria Hardy?

Cineraria is a half-hardy perennial (strictly a shrub), best grown as a half-hardy annual, producing a fine show in the year of sowing. Small yellow flowers may appear during the summer, but these are best removed. In milder areas it may survive the winter unprotected.

Can cineraria grow in shade?

If you are keeping the Cineraria plant outdoors, consider keeping it in a spot where it receives either partial or complete shade. While flowering plants usually do not prefer shade, the Cineraria plant is different as it requires plenty of shade.

When should I plant cineraria?

Although Cineraria are mostly grown from seedlings you can also grow them from seeds. The seeds are best sown in early spring in trays. The seeds need light to germinate so they are surface sown. Use a seed rising mix and sift a layer over the top to provide a fine flat surface.

When should I plant Cineraria?

Can Cineraria grow in shade?

What does a Cineraria plant look like?

Senecio cineraria ‘Silver Dust’ is a tender shrub, usually grown as a half-hardy annual foliage plant. Its young leaves are slightly lobed, a bit like oak leaves, but as the plants mature they become deeply cut, much paler in colour and are covered in a silvery grey fleece.

How high does Cineraria grow?

The Cineraria’s flowers come in pink, blue, purple, magenta, white and other shades and are great in shady protected locations or even in pots on the verandah. They grow to about 60cm tall and produce large clusters of daisy-like flowers during the end of winter and throughout the spring.

Should I deadhead Cineraria?

Make the most of your blooms by deadheading spent flowers to encourage new buds to form. After 3-4 weeks, your Cineraria should grow back in their full extravagance! It’s an easy process, with incredibly rewarding results.

What are the characteristics of a cineraria plant?

Cineraria Plant Profile 1 Scientific Name. 2 Common Name. 3 Plant Type. 4 Mature Size. 5 Sun Exposure. 6 Soil Type. 7 Soil pH. 8 Bloom Time. 9 Flower Color. 10 Hardiness Zones. 11 Native Areas. The flamboyant colors of cineraria, as well their versatile daisy shape, have made them increasingly… More

What’s the best way to grow a cineraria tree?

A small pot is best for indoor plants, as the cineraria flowers more prolifically when it’s rootbound. Place indoor plants near a window where they can receive indirect sunlight. Never place cinerarias in direct sun, as this may cause the flowers to drop early. Cinerarias need water once the top inch of soil is dry.

When do cinerarias bloom in the Canary Islands?

Cineraria plants are native to the Canary Islands. Daisy-like 3″-5″ flowers that stand above it in the spring and summer. In mild winter regions where they are planted in the fall, Cinerarias will begin blooming in late winter. Cinerarias are not suited for growing in hot dry climates.

How big of a pot do you need for Cineraria?

Space smaller plants 12 inches apart, and give larger shrub varieties 18 inches of space between plants. Water cinerarias immediately after planting. A small pot is best for indoor plants, as the cineraria flowers more prolifically when it’s rootbound.

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