What is Pentaho CTools?

What is Pentaho CTools?

CTools are a set of community-driven tools which are installed as a stack on top of the Pentaho BA server and are commonly referred to as “CTools.” The core CTools supported by Pentaho include: CDF: Community Dashboard Framework. CDA: Community Data Access layer. CDE: Community Dashboard Editor.

What is CDE in Pentaho?

The Community Dashboard Editor (CDE) and its underlying technologies (CDF, CDA and CCC) enable rapid development and deployment of the Pentaho CTools Dashboards. The CDE tool was created to simplify the creation, design, and rendering processes of the CTools Dashboards.

How do I create a dashboard in Pentaho Community Edition?

You can launch the dashboard editor from the Pentaho User Console (PUC) Home page.

  1. Log on to the Pentaho User Console.
  2. From the Home page, click the Create New button.
  3. From the menu that displays, select the CDE Dashboard option. You can now begin creating your first CDE dashboard.

What are the CTools on top of Pentaho?

CTools are a set of community-driven tools which are installed as a stack on top of the Pentaho Server and are commonly referred to as “CTools.” The core CTools supported by Pentaho include: CDF: Community Dashboard Framework CDA: Community Data Access layer CDE: Community Dashboard Editor CCC: Community Charting Components

What are the community tools in CTools community forums?

Forum: Community Tools – CTools Community Tools and including but not limited to CDF, CDE, CDA, CCC, CBF and CST. All things previously known as Dashboards. Forum Tools Mark This Forum Read

What is the purpose of CDA in CTools?

Driven by the need to unify access to the Pentaho data layer, CDA was developed to create an abstraction layer between a CTools dashboard and the physical connections to different databases. CDA has three main objectives: Ensure security while accessing the data (avoiding, for instance, SQL injection problems)

How are plugins used in the Pentaho platform?

The Pentaho platform allows you to use external components, or plugins, with the purpose of extending the standard functions. These plugins are installed on top of the Pentaho platform, enabling you to add customizations to the BI platform.

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