Why is the Hitman game rated M?

Why is the Hitman game rated M?

This review… Rated 15+ for strong violence and language.

Is Hitman suitable for a 14 year old?

We have, this week, received a warning about the game ‘Hitman’ which is a PEGI 18 rated game, which means the Games Rating Authority rates it as only suitable for those 18 and over. Therefore, the game cannot be sold to anyone under the age of 18 in a shop.

Is hitman an M?

As you might expect from the theme (and the name), Hitman 3 contains mature content, and it’s been rated M for Mature by the ESRB, with Content Descriptors for “Blood,” “Drug Reference,” “Intense Violence,” and “Strong Language.” This “M” rating means the game has been deemed inappropriate for anyone under the age of …

Does Hitman 3 have swearing?

Parents should also be aware that this game includes a small amount of strong profanity, as well as drinking, smoking, and discussion of various illegal drugs, including cannabis cigarettes and mollies.

Is Hitman 3 a gory?

Realistic blood, gore, and sounds — grunting, screaming, the thumping of flailing limbs — accompany each kill. Players can kill anyone they see, including innocents, but they are penalized for it both in terms of score and making the game more difficult.

What age is hitman?


Should a 12 year old play hitman?

Hitman serves as an interesting example in this respect. It’s a PEGI 18 rated game, which means the Games Rating Authority rates it as only suitable for those 18 and over. Therefore the game cannot be sold to anyone under the age of 18 in a shop. As good as it is, it is not a game for children.

Is Hitman 3 ok for a 10 year old?

Hitman 3 is rated by PEGI at 18 and above, and by the ESRB at a Mature 17+. From a parent’s point of view, or at least in my view, it’s a pretty easy one. The title is based around assassinations, getting up close and personal (and often a little bloody) with your targets.

Is Hitman a kids movie?

Bloody and gory. Not for kids. An ultra-gory video game-to-movie disappointment. Violent but thrilling first of the Bourne action trilogy.

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