How long does a microfracture take to heal?

How long does a microfracture take to heal?

Depending upon the location of the microfracture and the size of the defect, it can take anywhere from 4 to 7 months to be able to heal to the point where patients can increase their activities and potentially initiate occasional impact activities.

How long after microfracture surgery can I run?

At 12 weeks post-surgery, most non-impact cardio work is allowed such as spinning, water running, elliptical, and treadmill walking. Spinning on the bike is done initially without resistance until the patient can achieve a comfortable 45 minutes pain free, and without post-exercise effusion.

How do you recover from a microfracture?

You will need to keep your weight off your knee for 6 to 8 weeks unless told otherwise. You will need crutches to get around. Keeping the weight off the knee helps the new cartilage grow. Make sure you check with your doctor to find out how much weight you can put on your leg and for how long.

What is Microfracturing of the knee?

Microfracture is a surgical technique that has been developed to treat chondral defects, which are damaged areas of articular cartilage of the knee. It is a common procedure used to treat patients with full thickness damage to the articular cartilage that goes all the way down to the bone.

How do microfractures heal?

Depending on the location of the articular cartilage injury, patients often need to use crutches to keep all weight off the knee for 6 weeks. In some cases, patients can put weight on their knee, but must use a brace to keep the knee straight while walking for 6 weeks.

How long does it take for fibrocartilage to grow?

It takes a minimum of two weeks for fibrocartilage tissue characteristics to appear at the repair site while chondrogenesis in the defect takes months to mature. Mesenchymal stem cell conversion to bone cells and the beginning repair of the subchondral bone plate start 14 days after injury.

How long does it take to recover from arthroscopic knee surgery?

You will probably need about 6 weeks to recover. If your doctor repaired damaged tissue, recovery will take longer. You may have to limit your activity until your knee strength and movement are back to normal. You may also be in a physical rehabilitation (rehab) program.

How to recover from a microfracture of the knee?

Rehabilitation following Microfracture of the Knee 1 Individualization. 2 Create a Healing Environment. 3 Biomechanics of the Knee. 4 Reduction of Pain and Effusion. 5 Restore Soft-Tissue Balance. 6 (more items)

How long do you use crutches after microfracture surgery?

The recommended rehabilitation following microfracture is a lengthy process. Depending on the location of the articular cartilage injury, patients often need to use crutches to keep all weight off the knee for 6 weeks.

When to return to sports after microfracture surgery?

The use of a machine to bend the knee (called a continuous passive motion or CPM machine) is recommended for 6-8 hours per day for 6 weeks after surgery. Return to sports is often delayed for 6 to 9 months after surgery. Microfracture is a simple but cost effective method to treat smaller cartilage injuries.

How is microfracture used to treat articular cartilage?

One option for treating articular cartilage lesions is a microfracture procedure. When performing a microfracture procedure, the surgeon will start by debriding any frayed tissue or flaps at the margin of the lesion (Figure 22).

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