How long does it take to do Lost River Gorge?

How long does it take to do Lost River Gorge?

How long does it take to explore Lost River Gorge? Most guests spend an average of 1.5-2 hours exploring the Gorge and boulder caves. The self-guided walk includes over 1,000 stairs and is 1-mile long.

How much is the Lost River Gorge?

Admission is normally $42+ tax for 2 adults. We purchased on Groupon for $20.83 including tax for 2 people!

Where is the Lost River in New Hampshire?

Kinsman Notch
New Hampshire Route 112 follows the Lost River from Kinsman Notch to Moosilauke Brook….Lost River (New Hampshire)

Lost River
Source Mount Moosilauke
• location White Mountain National Forest
• coordinates 44°1′58″N 71°47′58″W
• elevation 2,640 ft (800 m)

Is Lost River free?

The Forest Society maintains the Lost River Ecology Trail on the Lost River Reservation, which is separate from the gorge area leased to White Mountain Attractions. This trail is free and open to public recreation from spring through fall.

Can you swim at Flume gorge?

No swimming. The gorge is narrow and is set up for hiking with no access to the water at all. If you do the “Basin” there are some small hiking trails that will take you to some waterfalls that you can swim in, there is also one that has a natural slide.

Why is the Lost River called the Lost River?

Lost River is so-named because the brook draining from the south east part of Kinsman Notch disappears below the surface in the narrow, steep-walled glacial gorge.

Who owns Lost River Gorge?

the Forest Society
Still owned by the Forest Society today, and now leased and operated by the White Mountains Attractions Association, the two organizations work closely together to provide guests the opportunity to experience the fun, challenge, and excitement of Lost River – just as the Jackman Brothers did over 150 years ago.

How much does it cost to go to the flume?

The entire loop takes approximately 1.5 hours and finishes at the Flume Building. The walk includes uphill walking and lots of stairs….Schedule and Fees.

Fees Schedule
Ages 13 and over: $18 Ages 6-12: $16 Ages 5 & Under : FREE Open Daily 9am – 4pm (Closes October 24, 2021)

How difficult is the Flume Trail?

The Flume Trail Mountain Bike Ride is a moderately difficult one way 14 mile ride at 7000′ to 8100′ feet in elevation with over a 1000′ of climbing in the first four miles and 4.5 miles of single track. The Flume Trail itself traverses above several steep sections, so those afraid of heights be forewarned.

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