Is nabothian cyst cancerous?

Is nabothian cyst cancerous?

Nabothian cysts are benign (non-cancerous) mucus-filled growths that develop on the surface of the cervix. This benign condition is not life-threatening or cancerous. They are also known as cervical cysts, cervical polyps, epithelial cysts, or mucinous retention cysts.

Can I get pregnant if I have nabothian cyst?

A case was reported in the literature of a spontaneous pregnancy after obstructive nabothian cyst treatment [8] . Cervicitis may contribute to infertility by fibrosis and cervical stenosis [9] .

Do cervical cysts go away?

Nabothian cysts rarely cause serious complications and will often go away without treatment. However, large nabothian cysts can deform the shape of the cervix. These cysts may require excision or surgical removal.

Can Nabothian cysts get bigger?

Nabothian cysts are usually a long-term condition. Over time, some cysts may get bigger.

Do cervical cysts cause pain?

In general, cervical cysts don’t cause symptoms and require no treatment. Your doctor might collect a tissue sample (biopsy) to send for lab testing if a cervical cyst or other lesion looks unusual. Other concerns include abnormal vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain or pain during sex.

How big can Nabothian cysts get?

Nabothian cysts are mucus-filled cysts that occur on the surface of the cervix. They are usually 0.2 to 0.3 cm in diameter, but they can exceed 1 cm in diameter. In most cases, nabothian cysts reflect the physiological changes in the cervix, but they are sometimes related to chronic cervicitis.

Can cervical cyst affect fertility?

These types of ovarian cysts generally don’t affect fertility: Functional cysts. Functional cysts — such as follicular cysts or corpus luteum cysts — are the most common type of ovarian cyst. Functional cysts form during a normal menstrual cycle and don’t cause or contribute to infertility.

Are cervical cysts painful?

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