How do you comment in progress report?

How do you comment in progress report?


  1. ______ is continuing to grow in independence.
  2. ______ has improved steadily.
  3. ______ has been consistently progressing.
  4. ______ has shown a good attitude about trying to improve in ______.
  5. ______ seems eager to improve.
  6. ______ has shown strong growth in _______.
  7. ______ is making steady progress academically.

How do you write a progress report remark?

Comment Ideas for Report Cards & Progress Reports

  1. Is a good citizen.
  2. Is learning to share and listen.
  3. Is becoming more dependable during work periods.
  4. Is developing a better attitude toward ___ grade.
  5. Is showing interest and enthusiasm for the things we do.
  6. Is learning to occupy his time constructively.

How do you write a positive progress report?

Best Practices On How To Write a Progress Report

  1. Treat a progress report like a Q&A.
  2. Include questions on progress, plans and problems (PPP)
  3. Allow meaningful completion of the progress report.
  4. Use section headings to make reading and writing simpler.
  5. Use simple and straightforward language.

How do you write effective report card comments?

This six-step plan jump-starts the process and helps you craft comments that are meaningful to both your students and their parents.

  1. Begin with an adjective brainstorm.
  2. Take supporting notes.
  3. Use sentence stems.
  4. Focus on the positive.
  5. Write the easy comments first.
  6. Ask colleagues for help.

What is an example of a comment?

The definition of a comment is a statement or remark. An example of a comment is a statement released in the paper that someone made about a scandal going on.

How to write a positive progress report comment?

Begin on a positive note. Even if a student is struggling in your class and/or a discipline concern, start your progress report comment with a student strength. Then naturally flow into the area (s) of concern. At the end of the comment, mention again a pleasant attribute. Think of it like a sandwich. The bread slices represent the two positives.

Do you have to proofread a progress report?

Proofread. It’s important to read any report card comment before you send to parents, but progress report comments require an even more careful eye as they tend to be longer and more detailed. Give due diligence to grammatical and spelling errors along with semantics.

What do the slices on a progress report mean?

The bread slices represent the two positives. In-between lies all the meat and veggies – the substance of your comment. Be detailed as necessary. Progress report narratives serve the purpose of sharing with parents how well their child is progressing within the school year.

What is the purpose of a progress report?

Progress report narratives serve the purpose of sharing with parents how well their child is progressing within the school year. It is during these times that you want to be as detailed as possible with your concerns.

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