What is thumpers famous line?

What is thumpers famous line?

Thumper: If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all.

Who said if you don’t have anything nice to say in Bambi?

What Thumper Said–Sometimes. In the classic Disney film, Bambi, there is a scene when Bambi’s cottontail companion Thumper is corrected by his mother after he makes a rude comment about Bambi.

Who says if you don’t have something nice to say dont say anything at all?

Quote by Margaret Atwood: “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anyth…”

Is Thumper a boy or girl?

Background. Thumper is a young, comical rabbit and is also a well-known inhabitant of the forest. Despite being mistaken for a female by viewers, he is actually male.

What was thumpers quote from Bambi?

Thumper: If you can’t say somethin’ nice [pauses, for drama and because both Thumper and the actor who played him couldn’t remember his line], don’t say nothin’ at all. Simple: If you cannot say anything nice, then do not say anything at all.

Why is Thumper called Thumper?

Thumper is a fictional rabbit character from Disney’s animated films Bambi (1942) and Bambi II (2006). He is known and named for his habit of thumping his left hind foot.

What did thumpers mother say?

Mrs. Rabbit

What did Thumper say to Bambi?

He remarks that Bambi is “kinda wobbly” but is reproved by his mother, who makes him repeat what his father had impressed upon him that morning, “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all”. This moral is now known by such names as the “Thumperian principle”, “Thumper’s rule” or “Thumper’s law”.

What to say when there’s nothing nice to say?

Here is a list of things you might talk about when there is nothing to talk about:

  1. Talk about this itself.
  2. Talk about things you wish were happening.
  3. Have a conversation with someone who is having a wildly different experience than you.
  4. Have conversations with people who might be really struggling.

What did Thumper say in the movie Bambi?

In the classic Disney film, Bambi, there is a scene when Bambi’s cottontail companion Thumper is corrected by his mother after he makes a rude comment about Bambi. In reply to his mother’s, “Thumper, what did your father tell you?”, he replies sweetly, “If you don’t have somethin’ nice to say, don’t say nuthin’ at all.”

What did Thumper say if you don’t have something nice to say?

In reply to his mother’s, “Thumper, what did your father tell you?”, he replies sweetly, “If you don’t have somethin’ nice to say, don’t say nuthin’ at all.” It’s good advice that seems more difficult to abide by in the digital age.

What’s the meaning of Thumper in Little Britain?

Thumper is used as a metaphor for a cuddly pet when referring to women. “‘Bambi” and “Thumper” are the names of two female bodyguards in the James Bond movie Diamonds Are Forever. The name “Thumper” is given to a snake that Andy Pipkin gets Lou to buy instead of a rabbit in Little Britain, Season 1, Episode 5, Clip 2.

Where did the name Thumper come from in Diamonds are Forever?

Thumper is used as a metaphor for a cuddly pet when referring to women. “‘Bambi” and “Thumper” are the names of two female bodyguards in the 1971 James Bond film Diamonds Are Forever .

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