WHO IS A in Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Spoiler?

WHO IS A in Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Spoiler?

A turned out to be CeCe Drake, the adopted sister of Alison DiLaurentis, who went missing and was presumed dead by the end of the show’s pilot episode. After a five-year time jump, A.D. picked up where A left off.

What happened to the girls Season 6 episode 1 Pretty Little Liars?

It is revealed in this episode that Sara Harvey is alive and has been in the dollhouse since the night she disappeared. The girls find out that she is alive at the end of the episode. The Liars escape the dollhouse in this episode and reunite with their love interests. There is an Ali/Emily/Mona hug.

Who dies in Pretty Little Liars Season 6?

Now. For six seasons, we’ve seen The Liars get charged with murder, deal with murder, and actually commit murder, but last night we might have seen one of The Liars get murdered. The final scene of the episode had Big A carrying what looked like Hanna’s (Ashley Benson) dead body.

Is Wilden really dead?

Wilden was killed by two gunshot wounds soon after the lodge fire by Charlotte DiLaurentis. He was portrayed by Bryce Johnson.

What episode do the liars get kidnapped?

Welcome to the Dollhouse
The dollhouse was first shown in “Welcome to the Dollhouse”, the episode when the Liars, except Alison, were kidnapped and brought into the dollhouse. The Dollhouse consists of thirteen (known) rooms and an electrical fenced in “backyard”. It is located in/under Tyler State Park in Bucks County.

Who shoots Ezra?

After The Liars reunited with Alison in New York City, Shana followed them and tried to shoot them with a gun, but Ezra appeared and was shot instead. Shana tried to finish the job at the Fitzgerald Theatre, but Aria surprises her and hits her with a shotgun.

Who Killed Officer Wilden in PLL?

Charlotte DiLaurentis
Charlotte DiLaurentis (AKA Cece Drake) confirmed she really was the person who killed Wilden. She explained that she killed Wilden because he found out Alison was alive, but he was never going to let her come back and tell her story.

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