How can I write my name in Quenya?

How can I write my name in Quenya?

Like Sindarin names, Quenyan names names are created by adding a suffix to a verb, adjective or noun, and depending on the last character of that word, the suffix will change.

How are Elvish names made?

Throughout their lives, elves may obtain more than one name. They receive another name from their mother, a more personal name that they use among their close friends. Later in life they may receive a name that reflects upon their deeds and life experiences. Finally, they may choose a name for themselves.

What is Quenya based on?

Background. Quenya was influenced specifically by Finnish, which is an agglutinative language; grammatical inspiration also comes from Latin and Greek. The phonology is also based on Finnish, and to a lesser extent Latin, Italian and Spanish.

What are the names of the Quenya songs?

Quenya Names. Aicanáro m. “Fell Fire; Sharp Flame” ⇐ aica + nár. Ainulindalë pn. “Music of the Ainur” ⇐ Ainu + lindalë. Airefëa pn. “Holy Spirit” ⇐ airë¹ + fëa. Airë Tári pn. “Holy Queen”.

Who is the creator of the Quenya language?

Quenya ( pronounced [ˈkʷɛn.ja]) is a constructed language, one of those devised by J. R. R. Tolkien for the Elves in his Middle-earth fiction. Tolkien began devising the language around 1910, and restructured the grammar several times until it reached its final state. The vocabulary remained relatively stable throughout the creation process.

What does the word Quenya mean in English?

Quenya translates as simply “language” or, in contrast to other tongues that the Elves met later in their long history, “elf-language”.

Which is the Elvish language Quenya or Sindarin?

Sindarin however, almost like Quenya’s simplified form, lasted many ages longer being spoken by Elves – and it is Sindarin, not Quenya, that is referred to by the modern term “Elvish”.

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