Why did Claire fire half her staff?

Why did Claire fire half her staff?

Clean Water Initiative One example was firing half of the CWI staff due to unavailability of funds after Frank was not made the Secretary of State. When Frank was appointed Vice President, Claire had Gillian Cole (despite the fact that she was fired) become the CWI’s new CEO.

Does Frank Underwood get impeached?

Toward the end of the season, Underwood orchestrates Walker’s downfall. He secretly leaks the details of the money laundering, for which Walker is blamed. While publicly supporting Walker, Underwood works behind the scenes to have him impeached, with Sharp’s help.

Why did Claire go to Zoe’s apartment?

Claire visits Zoe’s apartment and starts going through her place to show her what it is like to intrude on one’s personal life. Frank visits Gillian to ask her to secretly help Linda’s son get admission to attend Stanford. Claire goes to Adam’s place and continues her relations with him.

Who is Claire Underwood’s baby daddy?

Later, in “Chapter 71,” we learn the real truth about everyone’s parentage. Yes, Claire is pregnant with the late Frank Underwood’s (Kevin Spacey) child, but that’s not the only mommy shocker. Duncan isn’t Annette’s child at all — his biological mother is a housekeeper who had a one-night fling and became pregnant.

Why does Claire pee in front of Alexi?

12 Making the Russian ambassador watch her pee The United Nations wanted to step in, but Russia wasn’t interested in negotiating. To assert herself as a formidable force that deserves his respect, she brings him onto her turf and proceeds to pee in front of him while she tells him what’s what.

Why does Frank resign as president?

While he is urged not to, Frank goes to the committee and, while he claims to have done nothing wrong, he accuses the committee of trying to sabotage his presidency and that he respects the office too much to allow the investigation to go on. As a result, Frank announces he will resign the following day.

What happened to Doug Stamper?

During a tense confrontation in the Oval Office, Doug confesses to Claire that he was Frank’s murderer. Once free of his grip, Claire takes the letter opener and stabs Doug in the torso. She then comforts him as he slowly bleeds to death on the Oval Office floor.

Did Frank Underwood want Russo to fail?

He didn’t plan for Russo to try and continue with his attempted run for the Governorship, though, and thus the improvisation of the “suicide”. Frank’s plan was for Russo to fail, and fail miserably. This was so there would be a hole in the Pennsylvania race for Governor.

What happens to Peter Russo in House of Cards?

Underwood removes all traces of himself from the car, and guides Russo’s finger to the ignition, starting the car. Underwood exits the car, and leaves the garage, closing the door behind him, leaving Russo to suffocate.

Is Duncan Underwood’s son?

Which is the most emotional episode of House of cards?

For me, up to this point “Chapter 11” was the most emotional episode of ‘House of Cards’. Claire and her subplot are not quite as meaty but it still intrigues hugely. Frank too continues to be fascinating and his dialogue have a lot of bite.

Where is Claire’s phone in House of cards?

At the 48-minute mark, Claire receives a text on her iPhone sitting on the corner of the nightstand. She picks it up. Later on, she leaves the apartment with her phone in her hand. When Adam wakes up, Claire’s white iPhone is still sitting on the nightstand.

Who are the actors in House of cards?

Cannot fault the acting, Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright are on top form but Corey Stoll steals the show in a truly powerful performance that stays with one forever. Please enable browser cookies to use this feature.

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