What do Space Marines think of the Tau?

What do Space Marines think of the Tau?

It could be said that the Space Marines view the Tau as honourable warriors as hinted in the Damocles Gulf Crusade, but I have a feeling that the Astartes also know the Tau are a force of order and a xenos race that the Emperor, if he were still around would view with a kind eye.

Who can Tau ally with?

Tau has mostly 2: Psykers and Melee. Eldar can provide both, but their units that do those aren’t cheap. Necron can provide good cost-benefit Melee units, mostly with the Canoptek Harvest formation. The Culexus assassin cna help defend against psykers.

Does Tau and Imperium work together?

The Imperium and Tau have worked together to defeat Necrons on a Tomb World, and they fought off a Tyranid Hive Fleet. However there was a whole campaign by the Imperium that drove into Tau territory, and there seems to be sporadic fighting here and there.

Do necrons have allies?

Nope. Us, orks, and tau cannot ally with any other faction.

What happens when Tau Empire units shoot at Tau Empire?

TAU EMPIRE units shooting at this unit re-roll hit rolls of 1. Destroyer and Seeker missiles that target the unit roll to hit using the firing model’s Ballistic Skill instead of only hitting on a 6+. When TAU EMPIRE units shoot at this unit, it receives no bonus to its saving throws for being in cover.

Are there any good units in the T’au Army?

Lots of Good Units. Although T’au tournament lists aren’t incredibly diverse, the T’au army has a lot of solid units that can make their way into competitive builds and multiple Sept options that are competitively viable. Melee Combat.

Can a Tau castle be charged in Overwatch?

The For the Greater Good special rule can make charging Tau castles a nightmare, particularly when paired with the T’au Sept giving units the ability to hit in Overwatch on a 5+. Drones. Everyone hates drones, and with good reason.

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