How do you use abet in a sentence?

How do you use abet in a sentence?

Examples of abet in a Sentence She abetted the thief in his getaway. Did he abet the commission of a crime? Their actions were shown to abet terrorism.

Is abet a positive word?

Tips: Abet is often heard in the legal sense of “aiding and abetting” a crime and often has a negative implication. Although this is the most common use, abet is also used in a positive sense and is a more sophisticated way of saying “help.”

Is there a word abet?

verb (used with object), a·bet·ted, a·bet·ting. to encourage, support, or countenance by aid or approval, usually in wrongdoing: to abet a swindler; to abet a crime.

What is abetment mean?

Definitions of abetment. the verbal act of urging on. synonyms: abettal, instigation. type of: encouragement. the expression of approval and support.

How do you use extraneous in a sentence?

Extraneous in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Because of so many extraneous details in the instructions, Dad wasn’t able to put the toy together in time for Christmas morning.
  2. If you slip off your diet, the extraneous calories will make you gain all the weight you lost.

What abet means?

In 1980, ECPD was renamed the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) to more accurately describe our emphasis on accreditation. In response to the anticipated boom in computer science education, ABET helped establish the Computing Sciences Accreditation Board (now called CSAB) in 1985.

What is the section 107?

According to IPC 107, a person abets the doing of a thing when: He instigates any person to do that thing. Engages with one or more other persons in any conspiracy for the doing of that thing; or. Intentionally aids, by an act or illegal omission, the doing of that thing.

What is the difference between Section 34 and 149 IPC?

v. In Section 34, two or more persons can commit the criminal act whereas in Section 149, five persons are necessary to constitute the offence. vi. Section 34 is about the joint liability but does not create any specific offence whereas Section 149, creates an specific offence.

How do you use facetious in a sentence?

Facetious sentence example

  1. Tom thinks he’s being funny, but he’s only being facetious and rude.
  2. She was a facetious person, intending to be amusing.
  3. Sorry if that sounds facetious , but it is a valid point.
  4. Trying to talk to Jim about serious financial issues is difficult because of his facetious personality.

How do you use incoherent in a sentence?

Examples of incoherent in a Sentence The fever made her incoherent. He was very upset and practically incoherent after the accident. The memo is completely incoherent.

Why is ABET important?

ABET accreditation: Ensures that graduates have met the educational requirements necessary to enter the profession. Provides opportunities for the industry to guide the educational process to reflect current and future needs. Enhances the mobility of professionals.

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