What area code is 07542?

What area code is 07542?

07542 numbers are for mobile phones in the United Kingdom.

What is STD code of Bangalore?


STD Code City State
080 BANGALORE Karnataka
08110 ANEKAL Karnataka
08111 HOSAKOTE Karnataka
08113 CHANNAPATNA Karnataka

What STD code is 1250?

STD Code 1250 – Charkhidadri, Bhiwani, Haryana.

What is Bangalore number?

Bangalore Std Code Number, Karnataka

Location STD Code State
Bangalore 080 Karnataka

Where is the number 250 from?

province of British Columbia
Area code 250 is a telephone area code in the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) for the Canadian province of British Columbia outside the Lower Mainland, including Vancouver Island–home to the provincial capital, Victoria–and the province’s Interior region.

What area code is 250 Canada?

British Columbia
The area code used in Victoria is 250. Over fifty communities use the Victoria area code. Victoria is situated in British Columbia, one of the Canadian provinces. British Columbia uses three area codes, and 250 is one of the three.

How can I call to Bangalore?

A quick guide on how to call Bangalore: Start by dialing 011 — the U.S. and Canada exit code. Next, enter 91 — the India country code. Then, key in 80 — the Bangalore area code (for landlines only). Finish dialing with either the 8-digit Bangalore landline or 10-digit Bangalore mobile number.

What is Karnataka PIN code?

List of bangalore Locations Pin Code
Bangalore Air port 560017 Karnataka
Bangalore Bazaar 560001 Karnataka
Bangalore City 560002 Karnataka
Bangalore Corporation building 560002 Karnataka

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