What is Iftop command?

What is Iftop command?

iftop is a network analyzing tool used by system administrators to view the bandwidth related stats. It shows a quick overview of the networking activities on an interface. It stands from Interface TOP and the top is derived from op command in Linux.

How to check which process is consuming more network in Linux?

Nethogs. Nethogs is an open-source command-line utility that allows viewing network usage of a process running in the Linux system. Unlike the above IPTraf and Iftop tools, Nethogs sorts the output by process and bandwidth usage. Therefore, it comes handy when you need to find which process is using more bandwidth.

What is NetHogs?

NetHogs is an open-source command-line program (similar to Linux top command) that is used to monitor real-time network traffic bandwidth used by each process or application in Linux. From NetHogs Project Page. NetHogs is a small ‘net top’ tool.

How do you use Nload?

How to Use nload to Monitor Linux Network Usage

  1. Use left and right arrow keys or Enter/Tab key to switch the display to the next network device or when started with the -m flag, to the next page of devices.
  2. Use F2 to show the option window.
  3. Use F5 to save current settings to the user’s config file.

How do you read iftop?

Using iftop you can identify which host is responsible for slowing down your network. To find out which process is causing the problem, note down the port number from the iftop and use netstat -p to identify the process. iftop monitors your network activity, and displays a table of current bandwidth.

How install iftop command in Linux?

Download and Install iftop Iftop is available in the official software repositories of Debian/Ubuntu Linux, you can install it using apt command as shown. On RHEL/CentOS, you need to enable the EPEL repository, and then install it as follows.

How do you read an Iftop output?

iftop is very simple to use. Just type the iftop command on terminal with root privileges to display the bandwidth usage of the first network interface. Press Q to exit from the iftop command output. To view the source and destination listening ports, just press SHIFT+S and SHIFT+D.

How use Ifstat command in Linux?

Here are a few particularly handy options for ifstat:

  1. -a, –ignore – Ignores the history file.
  2. -d, –scan=SECS – Samples stats every x number of seconds.
  3. -e, –errors – Shows errors.
  4. -n, –nooutput – No output is displayed—only updates history file.
  5. -r, –reset – Resets history.

How do I install Nethogs on Ubuntu?

nethogs is not installed on Ubuntu/Debian by default. But, it is available in the official package repository of Ubuntu/Debian. So, you can easily install nethods with the APT package manager. nethogs should be installed.

How use Nload command in Linux?

Installation of nload:

  1. How to use of nload? Now we have installed nload on the system, To use nload run the simple command: nload.
  2. Key Shortcuts.
  3. # 1: -m option. To see multiple network devices at the same time without graph use -m option.
  4. #2: -a period option.
  5. #3: -t interval option.
  6. 4) -u h|b|k|m|g H|B|K|M|G option.

What is TTL Nload?

1 Answer. 1. It represents the total bytes received or sent via this interface as it can be seen from the output of ifconfig ifname . It is just converted to Gbytes or Mbytes instead of showing it in bytes.

What is the purpose of the iftop command?

Much like top and htop, the iftop command is used to resource usage on your system. Specifically, it monitors the bandwidth of active ethernet interfaces. When applied to the situation I described above, you can run the iftop command to see what is actually using the bandwidth across the data replication interface.

How to use iftop in other Linux distributions?

Other Linux distributions, can download iftop source package using wget command and compile it from source as shown. Once installation done, go to your console and run the iftop command without any arguments to view bandwidth usage of default interface, as shown in the screen shot below.

How to run iftop against the default interface?

Once you have all of the required packages installed, run iftop to get a feel for the output and the information presented. Keep in mind that without any options, iftop will run against the default interface (eth0 in most cases). To run the default command: From left to right, note the following:

Is there a problem with The iftop tool?

There is no problem, just an excess of activity on the interface. Let’s look at the process of installing and using this practical tool. Before you install the iftop tool, you need a few prerequisite packages.

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