How do you comment out a section in JavaScript?

How do you comment out a section in JavaScript?

JavaScript comments are used to write notes in your code or to disable sections of code without deleting them. Comments are made in JavaScript by adding // before a single line, or /* before and */ after multiple lines.

How do you comment a function in JavaScript?

Comment Syntax All characters immediately following the // syntax until the end of the line will be ignored by JavaScript. Block comments, sometimes referred to as mutli-line comments, are written with opening tags ( /* ) and closing tags ( */ ).

Are comments statements JavaScript?

The JavaScript comments are meaningful way to deliver message. It is used to add information about the code, warnings or suggestions so that end user can easily interpret the code. The JavaScript comment is ignored by the JavaScript engine i.e. embedded in the browser.

What is the correct syntax for adding comments in JavaScript?

Explanation: Correct Syntax for comments in JavaScript is //comment. 5. How to insert a multi-line comment in JavaScript? Explanation: Correct Syntax for multi-line comments in JavaScript is /*comment*/.

How do you comment a script tag?

Commenting scripts in JavaScript The JavaScript engine allows the string “ –” to occur at the start of a SCRIPT element, and ignores further characters until the end of the line. JavaScript interprets “//” as starting a comment extending to the end of the current line.

How do you comment out multiple lines in JavaScript?

Multi-line comments start with /* and end with */ . Any text between /* and */ will be ignored by JavaScript.

Which is not correct way to write comment in JavaScript?

How are comments written in Java?

The Java programming language has three kinds of comments:

  1. Traditional comments: The first five lines of the listing form one traditional comment. The comment begins with /* and ends with */.
  2. End-of-line comments: The text //I?
  3. Javadoc comments: A javadoc comment begins with a slash and two asterisks (/**).

Which is the correct syntax for adding comments?

A comment starts with a slash asterisk /* and ends with a asterisk slash */ and can be anywhere in your program. Comments can span several lines within your C program. Comments are typically added directly above the related C source code.

Which is not the correct way to write comments in JavaScript?

What is the comment tag?

The HTML comment tag is used to add text to an HTML document without including that text in the Web page. This comment will, however, be passed in the HTML file sent to the browser, and can be seen by viewing the page source (View Source). …

What is the best way to comment out a section of code that contains comments?

You can easily add comments using either the C or C++ style, even to large sections of code. You can add two forward slash characters ( // ) at the beginning of lines to comment out large sections, even when they have other comment characters, such as /* */ .

Where do you put the comments in JavaScript?

Block Comments. Block-level comments, or multi-line comments, are long-form annotations used to introduce and explain a section of code. Often these types of comments are placed at the top of a file, or before a particularly complex code block.

When to use JavaScript comments to prevent execution?

JavaScript comments can also be used to prevent execution, when testing alternative code. Single line comments start with //. Any text between // and the end of the line will be ignored by JavaScript (will not be executed).

Do you leave comments in the final script?

Do not leave snippets of commented out code in your final script. When working out the logic of a program, commenting out code can prove to be helpful as you determine where bugs are or assess the lines of code that offer the most utility.

When to use multi line comments in JavaScript?

Multi-line comments start with /* and end with */. Any text between /* and */ will be ignored by JavaScript. document.getElementById(“myP”).innerHTML = “My first paragraph.”; It is most common to use single line comments. Block comments are often used for formal documentation.

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