Who killed Takhisis?

Who killed Takhisis?

king Silvanoshei
In order to retain the balance, Paladine sacrifices his godhood and immortality in order for Takhisis to be stripped of her godhood and immortality. She is then killed by the elven king Silvanoshei.

Who is Astinus?

Astinus of Palanthas (? AC) was the master historian of Ansalon, who many likened to the god Gilean himself. Astinus was at least in some regards immortal, since he never aged a day from when he first appeared in Palanthas.

What races are in dragonlance?

Draconians are split into five principle races; Baaz, Kapak, Sivak, Aurak, and Bozak. There are also noble draconians, which are formed from the eggs of evil dragons, and have a good alignment. There are flame, vapor, lightning, venom, and frost variants.

Is paladine a dragon?

Paladine is also called Draco Paladin, E’li, the Platinum Dragon, Dragonlord, Valiant Warrior, the Dragon’s Lord, Bah’mut (strikingly similar to traditional mythological creature Bahamut), the Great Dragon, Skyblade, Platinum Father, and Thak the Hammer.

Who are the gods of good in Dragonlance?

The Gods of Good believe that teaching mortals to love order and law is the way to preserve the Balance. Their combined doctrine is encouragement, nurturing, and love. They defend the world and mortals from evil, but usually through mortals themselves. The Gods of Good are led by Paladine until the War of Souls.

Who are the authors of the Dragonlance series?

Dragonlance is a shared universe created by Laura and Tracy Hickman, and expanded by Tracy Hickman and Margaret Weis under the direction of TSR, Inc. into a series of fantasy novels. The Hickmans conceived Dragonlance while driving in their car on the way to TSR for a job interview.

How many ages does Dragonlance take place in?

The fictional Dragonlance world of Krynn contains numerous characters, an extensive timeline, and a detailed geography. The history of Krynn consists of five ages. The novels and related game products are primarily set in the fourth age, The Age of Despair.

Is there a god in Dragons of Summer Flame?

In the novel Dragons of Summer Flame, it is also discovered that there was a creator god: Chaos, the father of the gods. As of the War of Souls, the good and evil factions have lost their major god, it is unclear at this point whether this will give neutrality the upper hand.

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