How powerful is Graviton?

How powerful is Graviton?

By rapidly projecting gravitons in a cohesive beam, he could generate a force blast with a maximum concussive force equivalent to the primary shockwave of an explosion of 20,000 pounds of TNT.

What is the weight of Hulk?


Name: Bruce Banner
Height: 5 feet, 9 and a half inches (Banner); 7 to 8 feet (Hulk)
Weight: 128 pounds (Banner); 1,040 to 1,400 pounds (Hulk)
Citizenship: United States
Birthplace: Dayton, Ohio

What is hulks eye colour?

He transforms into the Hulk every time he gets angry….

Gender Male
Hair color Brown (as Bruce Banner) Dark Green (as Hulk)
Eye color Brown (as Bruce Banner) Green (as Hulk)
Personal information

Is the Hulk one of the Avengers?

As the Hulk, he possesses superhuman strength and durability. Over time, Banner demonstrates an increasing ability to control the transformation, and he becomes a founding member of the Avengers.

Are there anti gravitons?

An anti-graviton, if it existed, would have the identical properties of the graviton. No existing experiment has proved conclusively that these particles exist but improvements to current detectors such as VIRGO and LIGO should be up and running within a year or so.

Can gravitons be detected?

They confirm that the answer is no in practice though they suggest that in principle gravitons could be detected. The problem is that gravitons interact extraordinarily weakly with matter, and there simply isn’t any physically realistic equipment with the sensitivity to detect a single graviton.

Is Hulk stronger than Superman?

There’s no question the Hulk is a near-indestructible force who comes out on top in almost all of his battles of pure strength. However, against Superman, he’s outmatched. While Hulk’s strength might rival that of the Man of Steel, Superman’s other abilities give him a considerable edge against his opponent.

How strong is blue Hulk?

Blue Hulk has psychic power and telekinesis. This power doubles his smashing capacity and makes him the strongest there is. No longer limited by having only two fists, Blue Hulk can use his mind as a legion of fists.

How do you neutralize gravity?

As of yet, no technology exists to neutralize the pull of gravity. The best way to approximate the feeling of weightlessness on Earth is to ride onboard a plane flying in parabolic arcs that mimic the shape of Saint Louis’s Gateway Arch.

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