What is my PHRF rating?

What is my PHRF rating?

In PHRF, boats are assigned ratings in seconds per mile. Your rating is the number of seconds per mile your boat is supposedly slower than a theoretical boat which rates 0. Most boats you are likely to sail on rate somewhere in the range of about 50 to 250.

How do you read a polars boat?

Polar plots are published by each manufacturer for each model of boat with their various sail plans. It’s easy to read – move your finger radially along any true wind angle. Stop when you reach the boat performance line associated with the true wind speed you are experiencing.

What are polar charts used for?

Polar charts are data visualizations best used for displaying multivariate observations with an arbitrary number of variables in the form of a two-dimensional chart. Polar charts are also known as radar charts, web charts, spider charts, and star charts, among many others.

How much does it cost to get a lmphrf certificate?

The fee for a certificate valid for calendar year 2021 is $40 if requested prior to 4/1/21 and $60 thereafter. In 2021 LMPHRF is providing a credit for boats with bow thrusters.

How are PHRF ratings related to elapsed time?

PHRF ratings are expressed in seconds per mile to be deducted from elapsed time to produce corrected times. The higher rating indicates the slower boat. PHRF time allowances are not related to other systems. PHRF ratings are made on the assumption that:

How are PHRF ratings calculated on a boat?

PHRF ratings are expressed in seconds per mile to be deducted from elapsed time to produce corrected times. The higher rating indicates the slower boat. PHRF time allowances are not related to other systems. PHRF ratings are made on the assumption that: 1. The spinnaker pole length is equal to “J”, 2. The spinnaker maximum width is 180% of “J”, 3.

What are the operating procedures for the lmphrf?

The LMPHRF operating procedures guide performance handicap assignment, validation, certification and appeals of issued handicaps.

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