What is rhizomatous tall fescue?

What is rhizomatous tall fescue?

RTF (Rhizomatous Tall Fescue) is the only Tall Fescue with true rhizomes. Rhizomes help RTF quickly fill in damaged and bare spots in your turf with new shoots of grass. This results in less over-seeding, fewer weed problems and no wide-leafed ugly clumps of grass like other tall fescues can form.

How does tall fescue spread?

Unlike grasses that spread by horizontal above- and below-ground stems, tall fescue is a bunch-type grass. It grows in clumps and spreads primarily through vertical shoots called “tillers,” which grow from the base of the grass plant itself.

What is turf type tall fescue?

Turf-types are more coarse than bluegrass, though not as thick as traditional tall fescue commonly used as pasture grasses. The fescue is a bunch type grass, as opposed to the rhizomatic growth of bluegrass. Newer cultivars have the same rich green color as bluegrass.

What is rhizomatous grass?

Rhizomes strike new roots downward into the soil and also shoot stems upwards. A grass that has the characteristic of producing many rhizomes is described as a rhizomatous grass. Examples of warm season grasses with rhizomes include bermudagrass and zoysiagrass.

What does rhizomatous mean?

: having, resembling, or being a rhizome a rhizomatous perennial grass.

Does fine fescue have rhizomes?

Some fine fescue species have also been reported to form rhizomes and show promise as a more sustainable sod option (Figure 2).

Which grass spreads fastest?

Bermuda grass
Bermuda grass is the fastest-growing warm season grass, germinating in as little as 10 days. Ryegrass, which grows in cool climates, also germinates that quickly.

What is a rhizomatous begonia?

Rhizomatous begonias are a large group of Begonia species, hybrids and selections characterized by large, sometimes-colorful leaves arising from thick rhizomes that grow along the soil surface. White or pink flower clusters that appear in late winter and spring are an extra bonus with these plants.

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