How much does an 8 foot Japanese maple cost?

How much does an 8 foot Japanese maple cost?

How much does a Japanese Maple tree cost?

Variety Average Price
Aratama Japanese Maple – $90 for 2-gallon tree
Bloodgood Japanese Maple – $40 for 3-gallon – $85 for 2-3 foot tree – $105 for 3-4 foot tree – $400 for 6-foot tree – $700 for 8-foot tree – $1,100 for 10-foot tree
Bonfire Japanese Maple – $90 for 2-gallon tree

How much does a Japanese maple sell for?

Although it takes time to build an inventory of high quality Japanese maples, it can be worth the wait. Current prices of common varieties like Bloodgood at retail nurseries are $80 to $120 for six foot tall potted trees, and $125 to $200 for 2″ caliper (trunk diameter) trees.

How much does a Tamukeyama Japanese maple cost?

Quantity Pricing

Quantity Price Each
1 $199.97

Can I sell my mature Japanese maple?

You can buy Japanese Red Maple seedlings and resell them. Many of our Backyard Growers buy them and pot them up and sell them at their plant sales for $5.97. However, inside The Backyard Growers Business Center, members sell Japanese maple seedlings all the time for $2.25-$2.75 each.

What is the best place to plant a Japanese maple?

While they can be grown in poor soil, their growth rate is much slower and trees are more likely to experience stress. Ideally, they should be placed in a spot with dappled shade. Japanese maple foliage is prone to leaf scorch in hot and dry locations in full sun.

Can I sell my Japanese maple?

How fast does a Tamukeyama Japanese maple grow?

1-2 feet per year
The Tamukeyama Japanese maple size is up to 6-10 feet tall and 10-12 feet wide at maturity. It forms a dome wider than its height to offer a beautiful burst of color all season long. The Tamukeyama Japanese maple growth rate is moderate and can grow up to 1-2 feet per year.

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